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found in Step C. This rate shall be the basis for all rates charged to any other <br /> zoned properties within the City. <br /> H. The volume of storm water runoff shall be calculated for all properties zoned R- <br /> 1, R-2, R-3, R-4, I-1, I-2, B-1 and B-2. The methods used for these calculations <br /> shall follow the U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service <br /> guideline for soil types common to Arden Hills. A curve number shall be chosen <br /> for each zoning classification, which shall be an approximate measure of the <br /> percentage of impervious surface on the property. The volume of runoff for each <br /> zoning classification shall be calculated using the following equation. <br /> Q= P -0.2S 5 <br /> P+0.8S <br /> Where Q=runoff, cfs <br /> S=(1000/cn)- 10, dimensionless <br /> P=2,inches <br /> I. The runoff value calculated in Step H for R-1 properties shall be considered the <br /> base rate. The runoff value for each of the other zoning classifications shall then <br /> be divided by the base rate to yield a utility factor for each zoning classification. <br /> This utility factor shall be a measure of the additional runoff created from the <br /> property as compared to a single family lot. The utility factors for each zoning <br /> classification shall be listed in the following subdivision. <br /> J. The rate per acre for all zoning classifications, except R-1, shall be calculated by <br /> multiplying the utility factor found in step I by the base rate determined in Step <br /> G. <br /> K. The owner(s) of any premise(s) shall be solely responsible for the payment of <br /> any storm water runoff charge calculated for the property. <br /> Subd. 4 Factors for Determining Fees for Various Land Uses. The utility factors for various land <br /> uses used to determine the surface water management fees are assigned as follows: <br /> Districts Land Use Utilily Factor <br /> R-1 Single-Family Residential(1\3 acre lots) 1.00 <br /> R-2 Single and Two-Family Residential; (1/4 acre lots) 1.31 <br /> R-3 Townhouse and Low Density Multiple Dwellings 2.72 <br /> R-4 Multiple Dwelling 2.72 <br /> I-1,1-2 Limited and General Industrial 4.25 <br /> B-1,B-2 Limited and General Business 4.25 <br />