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Subd. 5 Adjustment of Fees. The City Council may adopt an Ordinance for the adjustment of the <br /> surface water management fees. Information to justify a fee adjustment shall be supplied by the <br /> property owner. Surface water management fees shall be adjusted under the following <br /> conditions: <br /> A. The estimated expenditures for the management of surface water shall be revised <br /> at a frequency specified in this code. The fees shall be adjusted accordingly and <br /> will follow established City procedures for this adjustment of utility (water and <br /> sewer)rates. <br /> B. Changes in developed conditions of parcels. <br /> C. If it can be demonstrated that an individual parcel retains all or a portion of the <br /> rainfall that it receives, the surface water management fee shall be reduced by a <br /> percentage equal to that percent of the parcel which produces no external runoff. <br /> A fee reduction of 20 percent or greater must be demonstrated. <br /> Subd. 6 Undeveloped Land. Undeveloped properties, without regard to zoning classification, <br /> shall be assessed at one-half the rate,charged to developed property zoned as R-1. <br /> Subd. 7 Exemptions. The following land uses shall be exempt from the surface water <br /> management fee: <br /> A. Public Rights-of-Way; <br /> B. Lakes; and <br /> C. Parks. <br /> Subd. 8 Mailing Statements of Charges. Statements for the preceding quarterly surface water <br /> management service shall be mailed to each customer pursuant to the same procedures as listed <br /> under Subsection 1010.11. <br /> Subd. 9 Fee Appeal. If a property owner or person responsible for paying the surface water <br /> management fee believes that a particular assigned fee is incorrect, such a person may request <br /> that the fee be recomputed. Appeals shall be heard by the Council once a year in accordance with <br /> the schedule established for credit applications, in established City policy. <br /> Subd. 10 Penalties for Delinquent Payments of Fees. A penalty equal to eight percent (8%) of <br /> the amount due shall be added to accounts not paid in full on or before the first day of the second <br /> month following the billing periods and to each quarterly billing thereafter until the amount of the <br /> delinquent account plus accrued penalty is paid in full or otherwise certified to the county auditor <br /> as a delinquent account. <br /> Subd.l 1 Collection. Any amounts due for sanitary sewer charges in excess of 90 days past due <br /> may be collected in a civil action brought for that purpose in the name of the City; or the City <br /> Administrator, upon direction by the Council, may certify to the county auditor the amount due, <br /> together with the legal description of the premises served, and the City Administrator in so <br /> certifying, shall add to the amount as a separate item, in addition to the delinquency penalty an <br /> additional delinquency penalty of eight (8%) percent of the original unpaid amount, inclusive of <br /> any previous delinquency penalty. The county auditor shall enter the amount as part of the tax <br />