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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—NOVEMBER 21, 2011 10 <br /> • Glenview Neighborhood—2015 PMP ($3,600,000 - 2015) <br /> Director Maurer stated these funds will be utilized for the whole Glenview neighborhood <br /> including new water mains throughout the neighborhood. He added that he would <br /> prioritize this higher than other projects. <br /> • Highway 10/96 Interchange ($490,000 - 2013) <br /> Director Maurer stated this moved the project from 2012 to 2013. <br /> • Indian Oaks/Floral PMP ($275,000 - 2016) <br /> Director Maurer stated this is simply moving the project out one year. <br /> • West Round Lake Road PMP <br /> Director Maurer stated this project was pushed out of the five year plan. <br /> Councilmember Holden requested a list of projects that could be funded by using MSA funds. <br /> Director Maurer named the following projects that are MSA eligible: Snelling Avenue; the <br /> City's costs associated with US 10/Highway 96 improvements; B2 District, and some trail <br /> projects. He also offered to provide a written list. <br /> Councilmember Holden referred to Page 1, Projects by Category in the CIP book and questioned <br /> the funds for irrigation for Hazelnut Park. She questioned if the ball field and soccer field should <br /> both be included in the cost estimate. <br /> Director Maurer responded that he had directed Ms. Olson to put in the maximum amount the <br /> City would spend on this site and to include three areas; the common green space coming off the <br /> road, the soccer field, and the baseball/football field to see how quotes come in. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if Director Maurer anticipates spending $15,000 on the regulatory <br /> street sign replacement program. <br /> Director Maurer responded that there is a push at the Federal level to change the implementation <br /> dates. This amount was placed in the CIP before those dates changed. He plans to replace <br /> approximately one-third of the City's regulatory signs when the warranty for reflectivity expires <br /> which will be cheaper. He explained that this CIP item is front-end loaded so Public Works can <br /> stock up on signs and posts (posts are included in the federal mandate) and then replace them as <br /> needed. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the CIP for the water tower is for the north or south tower. <br /> Director Maurer responded that the monies are included to do an inspection of both towers and <br /> do minor repairs on the south tower. <br />