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ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETNG—NOVEMBER 14, 2011 11 <br /> Mayor Grant stated he wants to know by how much the threshold is not met. <br /> Councilmember Holmes pointed out that the letter from MnDOT answers that question by <br /> stating the following: "A 20 foot high wall was analyzed and the results showed that the wall <br /> would cost $5,839 per decibel reduced per residence. A 10 foot high wall was also modeled and <br /> the results showed that the lower wall would cost$10,875 per decibel reduced per resident." <br /> Councilmember Tamble stated that he would like to see the supporting data. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated that if the Council wants more information, the matter should be <br /> tabled. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer commented that if the Council wants more information, the <br /> County can provide that or they can ask MnDOT to provide it. He added that Chris Chromy has <br /> analyzed the data a number of different ways and has met with Mr. Cmiel several times, but Chris <br /> is not MnDOT. <br /> Councilmember Holden referred to Chris Chromy's memo,particularly the fourth bullet. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that he could ask Chris Chromy to provide an estimate of <br /> how much this project area is above the threshold. <br /> Councilmember Tamble stated that he thinks the residents want to see that due diligence proved. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer commented that based on the Council's resolution, he thought <br /> the information provided by the County was adequate. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned why the County is before the Council 14 months before the <br /> project is scheduled to begin. <br /> Mr. Lux responded that a year is not a long time considering the size of this project; they have to <br /> let the contract in 2012 and acquire right-of-way prior to that which takes approximately one year. <br /> He then referred to the final point in Pete Wasko's letter which states "Based on the information <br /> that I have, the analyses that were performed for both I-694 Environmental Assessment (EA) and <br /> the TH 10/County Road 96 EA, I find no noise barrier that would meet with MnDOT's <br /> requirement." <br /> Councilmember Tamble stated that to get literature that does not "hammer home" why this area <br /> does not meet the threshold is an issue. He questioned what he is supposed to tell residents. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer commented that he, Joe Lux, and Chris Chromy have been <br /> meeting with Mr. Cmiel for almost as long as Mr. Maurer has been with the City. Both Mr. Lux <br /> and Mr. Chromy have gone through the numbers so this is not the only time that letters have been <br /> prepared stating this area does not meet the threshold; it stated that in the EA, and it was stated <br /> every time they met to analyze the numbers in a different way. He stated it does not work because <br /> of the density. <br />