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City Council Minutes
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11-14-11 Regular Minutes
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11-14-11 Regular Minutes
11-14-11 Regular Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETNG—NOVEMBER 14, 2011 10 <br /> Mr. Lux responded that he is not. <br /> Councilmember Tamble asked what time constraints the City is facing to pass Municipal <br /> Consent. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that the Council is under no time constraints as they have <br /> already acted on Resolution 2011-048 which still stands at this time. If the Council does not act <br /> on the proposed resolution, the ball is in the County's court; they can proceed to the Appeal Board <br /> or attempt to get the Council comfortable with the project. If they proceed to the Appeal Board <br /> and the Board finds in favor of the City, Ramsey County will not have the right to get the <br /> Commissioner to overturn the Appeal Board decision because this project does not involve an <br /> interstate highway. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holmes moved and Councilmember Holden seconded a <br /> motion to adopt Resolution 2011-054 approving the Final Layout of the US <br /> 10/Highway 96 Improvement and rescinding Resolution 2011-048. <br /> Councilmember Tamble commented that this is a difficult situation with the noise abatement <br /> concerns and because the residents were here before the roads. Also, the Council is limited by <br /> statutes with regards to the offer to this neighborhood that was made to Briarknoll. <br /> Councilmember Holmes questioned the disparity that Councilmember Tamble referred to <br /> because there was an offer made by MnDOT to Briarknoll but no noise wall was built because the <br /> City didn't agree to pay the difference in cost. Even if MnDOT were to make the same offer for <br /> this project, it wouldn't be fair for the City to agree to assist with the cost of a noise wall when <br /> they did not do so for Briarknoll. She then stated that the Council has dealt with the sound wall <br /> issue many times and what she has found is that if a specific area meets the State standards, they <br /> get the noise wall. If they don't meet the standards, they don't get the noise wall. The standards <br /> are set and there's not a lot the Council can do. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated that when the Briarknoll area was before the Council, she made it <br /> very clear that she would not use a significant amount of City monies for a noise wall; those costs <br /> would be assessed to the homeowners. She stated that she would take the same position with this <br /> project;she would not want to use a large amount of City funds for the benefit of so few homes. <br /> Mayor Grant asked how many homes were included in this project analysis. <br /> Mr. Lux responded that based on the project limits, there were nine homes included. <br /> Mayor Grant commented that if there were homes on the three vacant lots that would be a 25% <br /> increase which would put it pretty close to the required threshold for cost-effectiveness. <br /> Mayor Grant stated he doesn't believe the City s getting very good answers on this matter. <br /> Councilmember Holmes commented that the City has the report from Chris Chromy which states <br /> "Even with the addition of three platted lots into the calculation, the noise mitigation costs would <br /> remain above the established reasonableness threshold of $3,250 per decibel reduced per <br /> residence." <br />
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