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€ 6 say <br /> Ali <br /> r _ tWitt <br /> f <br /> - <br /> �The regular meeting of the Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chair <br /> Straumann at 6:00 p.m., at Ramsey County Parks and Recreation, 2015 North Van Dyke Street, Maplewood, <br /> Minnesota. <br /> Members Present: Deb Falkowski, Gale Pederson, Candace Petersen, Richard Straumann <br /> Members Absent: Terry Huntrods, Phil Jenni <br /> Staff Present: Greg Mack, Ken Wehrle <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> Chair Straumann asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the August 14, 2007 meeting. It was moved <br /> by Ms. Pederson, seconded by Ms. Petersen that the minutes of the August 14,2007 meeting be <br /> approved. Motion carried. <br /> 2008-2009 OPERATING BUDGET <br /> Greg Mack distributed a budget summary of the proposed 2008-2009. Under the two-year budget format, <br /> only the levy for 2008 will be approved at this time. The 2009 levy will be considered in 2008; however,the <br /> Board focus in 2008 will be on performance measurement. Golf revenues are down by $400,000. Mr. Mack <br /> made a presentation to the Board in March 2007 regarding declining golf revenue. Golf still provides <br /> revenues in excess of operating expenses. The excess revenue is used to fund other programs. In the <br /> proposed budget, additional levy is required to replace the decreasing golf revenues. <br /> All other programs identified in the budget continue at the current levels. Revenues are expected to <br /> decrease in some areas and increase in other areas. Fees for ice arenas and picnic shelters will increase in <br /> 2008. Golf fees will remain unchanged in 2008 and will increase in 2009. <br /> Ms. Falkowski moved,seconded by Ms. Pederson,that the Commission recommend approval of the <br /> 2008-2009 budget as proposed. Motion carried. <br /> RICE CREEK NORTH REGIONAL TRAIL ALIGNMENT <br /> A contract was awarded to construct the trail within the 112-acre site on the former TCAAP property. Ken <br /> Wehrle is working with planners regarding the County Road H/35-W/Rice Creek Parkway interchanges and <br /> how they will intersect with the regional trails. The trail will run along the creek as much as possible. He <br /> presented a routing plan for the trail through these intersections. The plan provides a safe and attractive trail <br /> alignment through this high traffic area. <br /> A mitigation plan is being prepared which will require approval by all agencies including the and National <br /> Park Service. Environmental impact statements must be drafted as well. At some point, a letter will be sent <br /> stating the County's support the plan with the understanding that all construction will be paid for by the <br /> parties and we would receive comparable parkland in exchange for the property impacted by the roadways. <br /> 1 <br />