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09-18-07 PTRC
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09-18-07 PTRC
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9-18-07 PTRC Packet
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9-18-07 PTRC Packet
9-18-07 PTRC Packet
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PARKS,TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING <br /> June 19,2007 Page 2 <br /> they must actually be completed sometime in the spring of 2008 since adjacent communities, watershed <br /> district and the school district were required to be given six months to review the plans. <br /> Mr. Lehnhoff stated that the purpose of the Comprehensive Plan was to provide long-term guidance and <br /> help set priorities on a community wide basis for the City Council level on down. The Comp Plan overall <br /> usually included some iunn of a awO1 analysis that looked at strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and <br /> threats. The last plan would be looked at to determine what has worked, what has not,what was missing, <br /> what still remained to be done, what was old and no longer applicable, and what the accomplishments <br /> were. Throughout the process, policies to strengthen opportunities and reduce the threats and other <br /> weaknesses would be developed. Cities are allowed to customize their Comp Plan, but must include land <br /> use and housing, transportation, water resource management, parks and open space and natural resource <br /> protection. One of the important reasons for the comp plan is that it would provide the city with strategic <br /> influence with Ramsey County, Metropolitan Council, MnDOT, and the Federal Department of <br /> Transportation. <br /> The plan has public involvement and technical components. Several meetings have been scheduled to get <br /> public involvement. <br /> ■ August 8,2007; 6:30-8:30PM(Visioning of the City as a whole) <br /> ■ October,2007 <br /> ■ March,2008 <br /> In addition to these three meetings, there will be a number of small meetings now until March, 2008 that <br /> involves the City Council and Planning Commission. Also, there will be at least one and potentially up to <br /> three meetings involving the Blue Cross Blue Shield grant that the City has for active community living; <br /> one meeting will directly involve the PTRC. <br /> Chair Henry suggested having the trails presenter/speaker from Boulder come out. The presenter's <br /> perspective was really important in terms of what the City does with existing trails and new trails. <br /> Chair Henry also encouraged the inclusion of an accountability section that encourages the City Council to <br /> monitor the plan on a quarterly or semi-annual basis. Also, he thought the plan priorities should be <br /> included as part of the annual goals of staff. <br /> Mr. Lehnhoff will email a PDF document that includes goals,policies and projects identified in the 1998 <br /> version of the Comp Plan to Committee Members. Please review and compare them with the 2002 Open <br /> Space Plan and 2006 Strategies. Committee Members were asked to review the goals, policies and <br /> projects and to write down comments. Also included in the PDF attachment would be Attachment B - <br /> opportunities,strengths and weaknesses when looking at the City as a whole. Mr.Lehnhoff requested that <br /> the marked up drafts and Attachment B be returned to him by July 17`b. He and Chair Henry would then <br /> review the policies and comments. <br /> In regards to Attachment D, the City is required to have a natural resource protection section. The <br /> Metropolitan Council has provided a map of the area that they encourage us to protect. That area is <br /> identified as the area by Tony Schmidt Park that extends throughout the whole wet land complex up <br /> towards Mounds View High School, the remaining part of the National Guard Property and the Rice Creek <br /> Corridor. <br /> Mr.Lehnhoff stated that the City's Shoreline Ordinance was more lenient and therefore not in line with the <br /> DNB's Shoreline Ordinance. The Planning Commission will,by default,review this section if the PTRC <br /> does not. Mr.Lehnhoff will also add the applicable parts of this to the PDF document he will be emailing <br /> -- - to Committee Members. - <br />
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