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PARKS,TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING <br /> June 19,2007 Page 3 <br /> The web address for the Comp Plan dedicated website is\compplan. This web <br /> address was also printed on the helpful links card that was give to committee members. <br /> Ms. Olson stated she was notified that the City was not awarded the DNR Grant for the trail from Lift <br /> Station Road to Perry Park. The grant is available yearly and the City can reapply. <br /> 6. WILD ANIMAL CONTROL DISCUSSION—GOOSE REMOVAL <br /> At an October 2006 City Council Meeting, the topic of wild animal control was discussed. At that time, <br /> City Hall received a number of complaints regarding geese,wild turkey, deer and moles. The City Council <br /> consensus was that staff should provide information regarding animal control issues to the public,but only <br /> address wild animal control issues that could impact public safety in Arden Hills. <br /> The Lake Johanna Improvement Society has asked that the City contribute to their goose removal program. <br /> The City has contributed $500.00 every year since 1996. hi March of 2007, the City sent a letter <br /> informing the Lake Johanna Improvement Society that it would no longer be able to contribute to the <br /> program. Ms. Jenny Michaels, of the LJIS attended the March 29`h Council Meeting and asked that the <br /> Council reconsider their position. The Council directed staff to bring the topic of wild animal control from <br /> a global perspective to the PTRC for discussion. Staff would bring back PTRC recommendation(s)to the <br /> Council. <br /> Chair Henry stated that it was not just an animal control issue, but also a water quality issue and lake <br /> quality issue. <br /> MOTION: Committee Member Crassweller motioned, seconded by Committee Member Zilmer to <br /> recommend that the City Council promptly contribute $500.00 to the Lake Johanna <br /> Improvement Society for goose removal. <br /> It was also mentioned that an important factor was whether the area is public or private property. Since <br /> Lake Johanna is a public resource, it is legitimate for the City to contribute to this cause. The Committee <br /> also volunteered to assist the City in drafting a wild animal control policy,if the Council is interested. <br /> 7. JOINT PTRC/CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION <br /> Ms.Olson would draft a memo. <br /> 8. NEXT MEETING—JULY 17TH <br /> The next meeting was the joint PTRC/Planning Commission/Economic Development Commission picnic <br /> at Cummings Park The barbeque would start at 6:00 p.m. and an informal meeting at 6:45 p.m. Ms. Olson <br /> would email a food sign up list. <br /> Chair Henry stated that the City of St.Paul was going to use a few of their parks for off-leash use earlier in <br /> the morning and later in the evening. He would like to have a conversation at the September meeting <br /> about the feasibility of that in Arden Hills. <br /> 9. ADJOURN <br /> MOTION: Committee Member Crassweller moved and Committee Member Williams seconded a <br /> motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. <br /> \\\ardenhills\Admin\Committees\Parks Trails and Recreation Committee\Minutes\2007\06-19-2007 doc <br />