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01-17-12 Joint WS
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01-17-12 Joint WS
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1-17-12 Joint WS
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1-17-12 Joint WS
1-17-12 Joint WS
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ARDEN HILLS JOINT COUNCIL WORK SESSION—JANUARY 17, 2012 5 <br /> landscaping would not be included in the bid but planned for separately after the park <br /> development was near completion. <br /> E. Lexington Avenue Bridge Widening <br /> Public Works Director Maurer explained that as part of the negotiated settlement with Mn/DOT <br /> for Municipal Consent on the I-694 project, Mn/DOT agreed to widen the Lexington Avenue <br /> Bridge to provide an ADA compliant pedestrian crossing. The agreement stated that Mn/DOT, <br /> Arden Hills and Shoreview would meet to discuss and decide the appropriate side (east or west) <br /> for the widening and pedestrian crossing. The first meeting was held at Shoreview City Hall on <br /> May 23, 2011, and, in addition to himself, was attended by Mark Lindeberg from Mn/DOT, and <br /> Mark Maloney from Shoreview. There was general discussion at this meeting relating to a <br /> number of issues such as: <br /> • Widening to the east is more economical than the west due to the fact that it can be <br /> accomplished with one additional standard bridge beam. Widening to the west would <br /> require two special beams (widening to the west would require greater width because the <br /> east already has a narrow space available for pedestrians) to maintain proper clearance <br /> from the beam bottom to the interstate road surface below due to the grade of the <br /> interstate. <br /> • The Shoreview side has pedestrian facilities currently in place from County Road D to <br /> County Road J. <br /> • The Arden Hills side does not have pedestrian facilities in place from County Road F to <br /> Grey Fox Road. (It was indicated that the Arden Hills City Council would be willing to <br /> discuss construction of this infrastructure if the bridge was widened to the west) <br /> • Shoreview agreed to fund the realignment of the existing trails from the north and south <br /> ramps to the widened bridge if the widening was on the east side. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that this meeting was concluded with the plan for a <br /> follow-up meeting once Mn/DOT had specific cost for the widening both on the east and the west. <br /> That follow-up meeting was not held in a timely fashion due to the State shutdown during the <br /> early summer of 2011. After the shutdown ended, he contacted Mark Lindeberg twice to remind <br /> him that we needed to complete the process of determining a side for the bridge widening with no <br /> response. In the meantime, at a public preconstruction meeting for the I-694 project hosted by <br /> Mn/DOT construction personnel at Arden Hills City Hall it was stated that the bridge would be <br /> widened to the east. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that on November 8, 2011, Mark Lindeberg scheduled a <br /> follow-up meeting with Arden Hills and Shoreview to conclude the process. At that meeting and <br /> in a November 22, 2011 e-mail Mark provided the actual estimate from the Mn/DOT Bridge <br /> Department. The cost for widening the bridge to the east is estimated at $610,000 while widening <br /> to the west is estimated at $1,005,000. <br /> Councilmember Holden requested that Mn/DOT place a sign on the bridge that acknowledges <br /> the City of Arden Hills' cooperation. <br />
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