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� <br />�S.�EN^�HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: June 11, 2012 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers <br />FROM: Patrick Klaers, City Administrato/ <br />SUBJECT: 2012 Capital Reimbursement to Lake Johanna Fire Department for <br />Invoices #391 and #395 <br />Back�round <br />At the May 29, 2012 meeting, the City Council had some questions regarding two <br />requests for capital expenditures from the Lake Johanna Fire Department (LJFD). I have <br />talked with LJPD Fire Chief Tim Boehlke about the funding of capital expenses for the <br />four iire stations. Tim told me that in the past, prior to three or four years ago, Arden <br />Hills paid 100% oF the station 1 building capital expenses, and Shoreview paid 1 UO% of <br />the station 3 and 4 building capital expenses, and that Shoreview and North Oaks split <br />50/50 the building capital expenses for station 2. However, this method of funding <br />station capital expenses changed per Board action a few years ago and now all of the <br />building-related capital expenses for all of the stations are split between the three cities. <br />The building capital expenses are split on the same percentage basis as the operating <br />budget. This pe.rcentage changes annually based on a formula that the Board has <br />approved. Arden Hills's share of the total for 2012 is 26.9%. The share for Arden Hills <br />was 28% in 2011. <br />Council Action Requested <br />Motion to approve payment in the amount of $9,639.73 to LJFD for the City's share of <br />capital expenditures for chairs and the bay floor resurfacing. <br />City Council Meeting <br />P:�Admin\Council\Agendas & Packet Information�2012\06-ll-12 Reg Mtg�Packet Information\9A.doc <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />