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06-19-12 PTRC
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6-19-12 PTRC Packet
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6-19-12 PTRC Packet
6-19-12 PTRC Packet
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Parks,Trails&Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes May 15,2012 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Ms. Olson asked if there were any other suggestions for sites. Chair Garretson indicated she <br /> liked the hockey rink option and has looked at other cities that utilize hockey rink space. <br /> Ms. Olson indicated the League suggested that when looking at sites they make sure there is <br /> adequate parking. <br /> Council Liaison Holden questioned the noise volume of an off leash dog park. Committee <br /> Member Michaelson mentioned that he has heard there is more barking from the neighborhood <br /> dogs than from the dogs at the dog parks. <br /> Discussion ensued on sites for the dog park. Committee Member Michaelson suggested the <br /> area east of City Hall,between the Army Plant and City Hall. It was the consensus that this <br /> should be considered for a site. <br /> Ms. Olson indicated they could look at some of the other suggested locations while on their <br /> tour and that she will look into the cost for fencing in case a site was selected that required a <br /> fence. <br /> C. Preliminary 2013-2017 CIP Discussion <br /> Ms. Olson stated that in the memo she listed some items that were moved further into the <br /> future or some that have been unassigned. She asked the committee if there was anything else <br /> that should be added in the CIP besides the off leash dog park. <br /> Council Liaison Holden asked if there were any items they could add to the CIP stemming <br /> from comments made during last year's park evaluation, like Freeway Park. Ms. Olson <br /> questioned the committee on what they felt was needed at Freeway Park. She mentioned they <br /> could consider paving the small parking lot. <br /> Committee Member O'Malley suggested expanding the parking lot and adding landscaping. <br /> Ms. Olson wasn't sure how much the parking lot could be expanded but that could be looked <br /> at. She indicated that the pleasure rink does get use and this would eliminate a portion of that. <br /> She mentioned that adding suggestions to the evaluation sheets would be helpful when going <br /> on the upcoming park tour. <br /> Committee Member O'Malley asked if the members felt they should include adding drinking <br /> fountains to some of the parks. Council Liaison Holden indicated that having fountains would <br /> require too much maintenance. She questioned the item about installing bike racks. Ms. Olson <br /> indicated that was something the committee had wanted. <br /> Ms. Olson stated that since the CIP does not go to Council until after the park tour,the <br /> committee can still add items if they decide. Committee Member O'Malley asked if adding <br /> more trees to some of the parks could be an item for the CIP. Ms. Olson indicated they could <br /> add if they felt there was a need for additional trees. <br />
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