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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—April 25, 2011 15 <br /> 8.B. Planning Case 11-0055 — Trinity Lutheran Church Preliminary and Final Plat and <br /> Master and Final PUD (continued) - <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the Church would be out of conformance with the City green <br /> space requirements if it were to be redeveloped. <br /> City Planner Beekman stated approval of the proposed PUD would grant them the required <br /> reduction in green space. <br /> MOTION: Mayor Grant moved and Councilmember Holmes seconded a motion to <br /> Approve Plannine Case 11-005 for a Preliminary and Final Plat and Master <br /> and Final PUD to Subdivide the Property at 3245 New Brighton Road Into <br /> Two Parcels Based on the Findings of Fact, The Submitted Plans, and the <br /> Conditions in the April 25 2011 Memo to the City Council. The motion <br /> carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> C. Planning Case 11-006 — Fox Ridge Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) <br /> and Preliminary Plat <br /> City Planner Beekman stated the applicants are requesting approval to subdivide the property <br /> into 39 single-family lots. The proposed plan would comply with the required Zoning Code and - <br /> Subdivision standards for the R-1 District. The plan also includes three access points; Snelling <br /> Avenue to the west, Keithson Drive to the east, and Arden View Drive to the south. Pulte Group _ <br /> hosted a community meeting on February S, 2011, to discuss the lower density proposed concept <br /> plan with residents around the development area. Pulte Group has since held a second meeting <br /> with Keithson Drive residents on April 15 and discussed the option of not connecting to Keithson <br /> Drive. The applicants reviewed the option and have found that it could be feasible; however, it <br /> would require greater tree loss. If the Council determines that the dual cul-de-sac option is <br /> preferred, a more detailed review could be done at the time of Final Plat review. Staff continues <br /> to prefer the through-street option. If the City approves the CPA, it will be contingent on approval <br /> from the Metropolitan Council. The City contracted with SRF Consulting to perform a traffic <br /> study for the proposed development. SRF looked at two transportation alternatives, one without a <br /> connection to Keithson and one with. SRF found that there are no significant traffic impacts <br /> expected due to the proposed development. <br /> Councilmember Tamble recognized the diligence of the Keithson Drive residents and the <br /> accommodations made by Pulte Homes in response to their concerns. He stated he would like to <br /> know the benefits of having a cul-de-sac versus the benefits of having a through road at Keithson <br /> Drive. <br /> City Planner Beckman stated the Planning Commission and Staff prefer the through-street. The <br /> City's regulations support connectivity, discourage creating lots with two street frontages, and <br /> require that adjacent road stubs connect as new development occurs. Snow plowing, utility access <br /> and maintenance is better and more efficient if the connection is there. The Fire Marshal believes <br /> that the connection will increase public safety and make access to the development more efficient. <br /> From a traffic and transportation standpoint, having additional road connections is preferred to <br /> having fewer; it increases connectivity and allows vehicles to distribute more evenly and reduces <br />