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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—April 25, 2011 16 <br /> 8.C. Planning Case 11-006 — Fox Ridge Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Preliminary <br /> Plat(continued) <br /> traffic impacts overall. The connection would also give the residents on Keithson Drive an <br /> alternative exit point to avoid Highway 96 if desired. <br /> Councilmember Tamble asked if homes with two frontages would be double assessed for road <br /> improvements. <br /> City Planner Beekman stated the assessment policy would address this but it is usually clear <br /> what street is considered to be the main access for a home and only one assessment would be <br /> made. <br /> Councilmember Tamble asked if the 40-foot setback could be maintained on Mr. Bartlett's <br /> property with the through street. <br /> City Planner Beekman stated the property Iine on Mr. Bartlett's property is 10-feet from the <br /> main structure and the only way to get the full 40-foot setback is to move the property line. The <br /> way the plans are, the edge of the road would be 35 feet from his home. The option to move the <br /> road slightly to the south has not been examined but may impact the wetlands. <br /> City Attorney Filla stated Mr. Bartlett's property would become a non-conforming lot. This <br /> would not be a self-created situation and variance options would depend on what was being <br /> requested; however the City would be inclined to grant a future variance if one was applied for. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked if the connection with Keithson Drive would create an <br /> intersection. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated this would create a 2-legged street intersection because it <br /> is not a deflection. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated there had been issues concerning drainage brought forward at the <br /> Planning Commission meeting. She asked if these concerns had been reviewed. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated the submitted concept plan covers the drainage and Rice <br /> Creek Watershed is reviewing this. The City will need to review the construction plans to know <br /> how individual lots will be graded. The developer is aware of the drainage issues and what will <br /> need to be done to address these issues. The City can ensure these lots are built according to <br /> submitted and approved plans through construction observation by Staff and Inspectors. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated the wetland areas exceeded their borders this year. She asked <br /> how the City would know the water would stay in the proper areas. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated a certified wetland delineator had been to the site and <br /> determined the wetland boundaries. These are wetland experts and the City needs to accept their <br /> work as being accurate and reliable. He stated the development will need to properly manage all <br /> the drainage from this development as well as the drainage that comes in from the surrounding <br />