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ARDEN HILLS CITY COL]NCIL WORK SESSION — APRIL 25, 2011 4 <br />2.A U.S. 10/Highway 96 Grade Separations and Highway Improvement Praject <br />Update (continued) <br />Mr. Chmeil stated a right-in, right-out would be sufficient as there were a number of these being <br />mainiained along Highway 96. Mr. Tolaas explained the County was concerned wi�li the right- <br />in, right-out due to its close pxo�ixnity to the signalized interseciion. <br />Councilxnember Holden questioned how the City would maintain this turn-around area. Public <br />Works Director Manrer stated a 1-ton truck would have to be used to clear sno�r. <br />Public Works Director Maurer asked if fhe County was cansidering a sound wall. Mr. Tolaas <br />reviewed how a 20 foot sound wa11 would affect the surroundi�g properties. This height was met <br />with some concern by residents. He explained �arious wall heights were then explored to see <br />which would benef t the ar�a rnost. It was foun.d that a 12 foot wall would benef t the properties <br />adjacent to Highway 96. Twel�e feet would reduce the sound levels ta 60 decibels, which was <br />five below the State standards ar�d 10 below current noise levels. Mr. Tolaas e�pla.ined the <br />existing sound walls along Highway 96 were 10 feet. Mr. Tolaas was concerned that a 20 foot <br />wall would greatl� dirr�inish slu�.light on the homes directly adjacent to the wall. <br />Connciimember Holmes questioned why a 12 foot wall vvas being considered at this tirne. She <br />felt the Council had already decided on 20 feet. Mr. Tolaas stated he was simply providing the <br />Council with options anc� noted the Council wot.�d have to make the final deciszon. <br />Councilmember Holden was in favor with ihe reduced size for the sound wall. <br />Mayor Grant suggested the County establish a tim�line for this decision. This would allow ihe <br />Council to discuss the issue further before making a final d�cision. Mr. Talaas stated Ramsey <br />County would be seeking municipal consent as soon as possible from the City. <br />ADJOURN <br />Mayar Grant adjourned the City Council Work Session rr�eeting at b:5p p.rn. <br />D�� � <br />� <br />Patrick Klaers David Gra�t <br />City Administra�or Mayor <br />