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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—MAY 7, 2012 5 <br /> Mr. Hayes further discussed the EOC with and how disasters were determined by the County on a <br /> tiered system. The goal would be for the emergency to be managed objectively by all those in key <br /> positions. The objectives were then broken down into tactics and delegated to staff or additional <br /> resources were sought. <br /> Mr. Hayes stated an incident action plan would need to be drafted after gathering information and <br /> evaluating the situation thoroughly. This would need to be done in a timely manner to allow the <br /> City to begin addressing the critical needs of the community. The City would need a plan in how <br /> to deal with the media because they would respond quickly to the disaster. The Mayor would be <br /> the City's designated spokesperson. <br /> Mr. Hayes commented on the importance of a unified command team. This team would include <br /> the police, fire,the City Public Works Department, City officials and Ramsey County. <br /> Mayor Grant questioned how he would get resources focused on his City if a disaster hit Arden <br /> Hills along with neighboring communities. <br /> Mr. Hayes explained authority would be delegated to the Fire Chief in an emergency situation <br /> along with power to the Deputy Fire Chiefs. The communities with the most damage would be <br /> delegated a deputy chief. He indicated the state-wide mutual aid plan would come into effect as <br /> well and a great deal of emergency support would be offered through other fire departments in <br /> meeting the City's emergency needs. <br /> Mr. Hayes stated the worst disaster that could hit the City would be a public health emergency or <br /> disease outbreak. The State and CDC would have authority in these situations. He further <br /> discussed how these situations would be handled. <br /> Mr. Hayes discussed how information would need to be communicated through an emergency <br /> situation stating a joint effort would be needed between the City, County and State. After an <br /> event was handled by the City, a thorough evaluation would be taken to assist in planning for <br /> future situations. <br /> Mr. Hayes indicated he would continue to train City Staff for potential emergency situations to <br /> assist them with working through their checklists. He stated the Council was welcome to review <br /> NIMS information available on the Internet. He explained that the training provided this evening <br /> was 90 minutes based on his 100 hours of training. <br /> Mr. Hayes stated that 70% of the communities in the State are not taking a proactive approach to <br /> emergency response efforts. He commended Arden Hills for taking steps in the right direction <br /> and to prepare its staff and Council if a disaster were to hit the community. He thanked the <br /> Council for their time this evening and encouraged the Council to pass any comments or questions <br /> along to he or Lance for further comment. <br /> Mayor Grant questioned how a public health outbreak would alter the EOC. <br />