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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—APRIL 30, 2012 5 <br /> Mayor Grant asked that Ramsey County provide the Council with additional information on the <br /> Lexington Avenue and County Road F project. He stated both businesses and residents would <br /> like to see this intersection improved. Joe Lux, Ramsey County, addressed the Council and <br /> explained a number of grants had been applied for both locally and federally. No assistance has <br /> been provided to date. He indicated Ramsey County was hopeful and was still waiting to hear on <br /> several other grants before work would proceed on this project. He anticipated the work for this <br /> project would not begin until 2015. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if Cleveland Avenue and County Road E2 could have a right hand turn lane <br /> striped. Mr. Lux stated this has not been investigated,but he would review the situation. <br /> Mayor Grant requested Mn/DOT post a "local traffic only" sign at Arden Oaks to keep through <br /> traffic out of this neighborhood. <br /> Councilmember Holmes questioned if signalizing was being discussed by the County. Mr. Lux <br /> stated the County has been modifying the signal timing daily to assist with the traffic through the <br /> Lexington Avenue corridor. He indicated the County was trying to balance the pain of the heavy <br /> traffic through this corridor. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked if the County had considered only allowing right hand turns on <br /> Lexington Avenue. Mr. Lux indicated this has not been considered and could be investigated <br /> further. <br /> Councilmember Holmes inquired if the County was in favor of using the Sheriff's Department to <br /> assist with traffic control. Mr. Lux explained the traffic was so tight there was not much the <br /> police could do to get traffic moving. He stated traffic was going to be diverted away from I-694 <br /> and towards 3 5 W. <br /> 3. STAFF COMMENTS <br /> A. TCAAP Update <br /> City Administrator Klaers commented the Ramsey County League of Local Government held a <br /> meeting last Wednesday at Arden Hills City Hall. The meeting was well attended with over 50 <br /> people in attendance and the evening included a tour of the TCAAP site. <br /> City Administrator Klaers stated the stadium situation has been changing almost daily and the <br /> legislature may adjourn sometime this week. The City would continue to monitor this situation <br /> and be working with the County. <br /> 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> A. March 26, 2012 Work Session <br /> B. March 26, 2012 Regular Council Meeting <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Tamble moved and Councilmember Werner seconded a <br /> motion to approve the March 26, 2012 Work Session Meeting minutes and <br />