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Memo Regarding Code Enforcement Issues <br /> December 14, 2005 <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br /> garage or shed. Most residents complied. Others complied for the inspection date but not for the <br /> long term. <br /> Membrane Structures <br /> Another item staff would like to discuss is membrane structures. These are typically made of an <br /> aluminum frame with poly, canvas, or similar material. They are intended to be temporary, but <br /> most residents usually leave for periods greater than a year. Chapter 6, sec. F-lh of our zoning <br /> code reads: <br /> "Private Garages. The minimum setbacks of private garages shall be as <br /> required for accessory structures in the district and the exterior finish shall be <br /> compatible with the principal building served by the private garage." <br /> Staff has interpreted this to mean that all accessory structures are intended to blend or have <br /> similar materials as the principal structure. Membrane structures have not been allowed. <br /> Vehicle Parking on Grass, Fences,Etc. <br /> Staff would also like to discuss the issue that vehicles are not allowed to be parked on grass, but <br /> motorized 30 foot RV's are allowed. Maximum height of fences, no more than four vehicles <br /> parked in driveway, and any other code enforcement issues council may wish to discuss. <br /> \\\ardenhills\Building\Building Official\Memo\Code Enforcement Issues.DOC <br />