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Ramsey County-Wide Emergency Operations Plan Revision 5.1,June, 2005 <br /> Level 1: Unusual Occurrence/Informational Alert <br /> An event has occurred (or may occur) that is outside of the normal <br /> operations of a county department or a municipal jurisdiction and which <br /> warrants administrative notification. <br /> Examples include changes in the "Terror Alert" level status; workplace <br /> violence; tornado or severe storm warnings, etc. These might be <br /> "information alerts" rather than events that require a physical response. <br /> The general guideline here is that the situation will typically be <br /> informational or a warning, or it will be confined to affecting county <br /> controlled operations only. Also, we must remember that what appears to <br /> be a "small incident" may have great consequences later. <br /> ACTIONS_ <br /> o EMHS Duty Officer should be notified as soon as practicable <br /> • The EMHS Duty Officer will place the RCEOC into the ALERT <br /> or other activation mode as appropriate and will notify all <br /> municipal Emergency Managers. <br /> • Departments/agencies should disseminate or act on information <br /> based on their normal internal procedures. <br /> • Departments/agencies directly affected by or experiencing the <br /> problem should begin activities to limit the scope of impact. <br /> These actions are deliberately vague because this level includes so <br /> many possibilities. This level of incident does not typically pose an <br /> ongoing threat to lives or property, so routine actions are followed <br /> and EMHS would go to ALERT or STANDBY status. <br /> NOTE: An exception would be a national security or terrorism alert, such <br /> as an increase in the Terror Threat level to "red." In that case, the <br /> county and the municipalities might go to a full activation of the <br /> RCEOC and take other security steps even if no overt event has yet <br /> occurred. <br /> Level 2: Local Incident <br /> One or more municipalities may experience an event that requires them to <br /> declare an emergency that affects their community but that may not result <br /> in a countywide state of emergency. The municipality may choose to <br /> activate its EOC at any point. If the EOC is activated, the municipality will <br /> notify the EMHS Duty Officer immediately. EMHS is responsible for <br /> 19 <br />