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8B, Planning Case 12-009 - 1201 County Road E Reuse Proposal
City Council
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8B, Planning Case 12-009 - 1201 County Road E Reuse Proposal
Entry Properties
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9/28/2012 1:52:55 PM
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Commissioner Hames asked the range. Chair Larson cautioned Commission members <br />regarding financials noting they are not part of the duties of this Committee. <br />Commissioner Hames replied she understood and that the question was in relationship to <br />square footage. She added that since there was no color concept drawings it is hard to <br />imagine the first floor and asked for more detail. Mr. Davidson replied the Holiday Inn <br />had a pool and hot tub, which will both be filled in and outfitted with treadmills, exercise <br />bikes and weight resistance equipment. The former reception area on the south side of <br />the building would be renovated into a sitting, TV, Wi-Fi area and adjacent to that would <br />be a movie theater in a separate room, a game room in a separate area and a bike storage <br />area. He concluded the area will be an interactive environment and he believes it will <br />draw young people in. <br />Commissioner Zimmerman asked when the plans will be completed and when they will <br />start marketing. Mr. Davidson replied when they receive approval and was hopeful for <br />this fall. <br />Commissioner Hames asked what is envisioned for the exterior. Mr. Davidson replied <br />from a physical perspective the parking lot, lighting and trees will all be redone. The <br />building, as it sits, has a solid exterior, which will be cleaned and some areas refreshed. <br />The entry point on the north side will be highlighted and more attractive. Hopefully, the <br />corner can be developed as well in the second phase. Commissioner Hames asked about <br />signage to which Mr. Davidson replied they were hopeful they would have some. <br />Commissioner Holewa stated he understood they were marketing to Northwestern <br />College and Bethel University but do not currently have any agreements with them. Mr. <br />Davidson replied that is correct. Commissioner Holewa stated he heard that some <br />colleges require students to be on campus for their first year and maybe second and asked <br />if they were marketing to the upper class. Mr. Davidson replied yes. <br />Chair Larson asked if Mr. Davidson would speak to the conditions of approval, <br />specifically the request for an easement on the west side of the property. Mr. Davidson <br />replied the easement is the taking of property and that they would strongly resist the <br />easement. He added if the City wants to purchase a part of their land they could discuss <br />it, noting he felt it was an inappropriate requesi. <br />Chair Larson asked if there were any other conditions to which Mr. Davidson would like <br />to speak. Mr. Davidson replied Condition 3 is an excessive fee being proposed. He added <br />he doesn't feel it reflects the impact and that it will provide a negative on marketing that <br />corner. The developer across the street did not pay a dedication fee and he would hope to <br />negotiate this fee to a more reasonable amount. Mr. Davidson also noted Condition 22, <br />which they were being asked to pay for a water main, stating that while it benefits their <br />property it also benefits others so they should share in the cost. He concluded that there <br />were several other smaller items but that he hoped they would be negotiated successfully. <br />
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