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8B, Planning Case 12-009 - 1201 County Road E Reuse Proposal
City Council
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8B, Planning Case 12-009 - 1201 County Road E Reuse Proposal
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9/28/2012 1:52:55 PM
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Commissioner Stodola noted some studios do not have exterior windows and asked if this <br />meets Fire Code. Mr. Davidson replied each apartment meets Code, that some don't <br />have windows as they overlook the pool area. He also noted that they will have alarms <br />and sprinklers. <br />Chair Larson opened the public hearing at 8:32 p.m. <br />Chair Larson invited anyone for or against the application to come forward and make <br />comment. <br />Mr. Leon Kline stated he owns a building on the east side of Lexington Avenue and he is <br />concerned about traffic. He asked if the easement is granted how many parking spots <br />would be taken out of the 259, suggesting it looked like one-third. He also requested the <br />Commission review the site concept again. He noted that health clubs added a lot of <br />traffic and should be rethought. <br />There being no additional comment Chair Larson closed the public hearing at 8:35 p.m. <br />Commissioner Hames clarified that the health club is for residents only. Mr. Davidson <br />replied that is correct. <br />Commissioner Scott asked if it is possible for the Sheriff to certify a 120-unit building <br />with an unlocked front door. Chair Larson stated he is not sure security has been settled <br />at this point. Commissioner Scott stated this should have been submitted. Chair Larson <br />stated he believes the front door will be locked but opened by security on staff. Mr. <br />Davidson replied there is one point of access on the north side of the building, which will <br />be monitored by staff. <br />Commissioner Thompson asked if the other entrances will be exit only. Mr. Davidson <br />replied yes, they will be fire exits. Commissioner Thompson asked how that will be <br />managed. Mr. Nolan replied there is no security system that can't be penetrated and they <br />can't prevent every possibility; however, they will work with residents of the building <br />and if residents see these kinds of things, such as a rock propping open a door, their job is <br />prevention. Commissioner Zimmerman asked if the doors will have an alarm bar. Mr. <br />Davidson replied yes, it is an option. <br />Commissioner Holewa stated he is concerned with traffic in the area and especially with <br />the third and fourth floor builds and Lot 2. The owners will likely take care of a security <br />system but we don't have it yet so they should come back with a plan in the future. <br />Commissioner Stodola asked the timeframe for working on floors three and four noting <br />the longer they are vacant the more potential for problems. Mr. Davidson replied they <br />would love to do all at once, and if leasing success is strong they would proceed to do all <br />floors, but with 120 units they would anticipate the timeline within a year after floors one <br />and two are completed. <br />
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