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Mr. Davidson stated he would like to address several of the comments made. As a <br />condition of this approval they will submit to the security requirements of the Sheriff, but <br />to come up with a detailed engineered plan now is premature. The Inn worked well for <br />30 years in terms of traffic and the apartment is anticipated to generate less traffic. <br />Parking is way in excess of what is needed. He added that for each phase they will come <br />before the Planning Commission to show how it all fits into the whole. <br />Chair Larson cautioned to keep in mind this is an advisory board only and these questions <br />may be sufficiently answered to the Council. <br />Commissioner Zimmerman moved and Commissioner Hames seconded a motion to <br />recommend approval of Plannin� Case 12-009 for a Preliminary and Final Plat, and <br />Master and Final PUD at 1201 Countv Road E based on the findin�s of fact and the <br />submitted plans as amended bv the conditions in the April 18, 2012, plannin� case <br />report, amending Condition 13 wordin� "participate" to "obtain certification". <br />Commissioner Hames suggested the wording "become certified and maintain <br />certification" instead of "obtain certification." Chair Larson asked if Commissioner <br />Zimmerman would accept this wording in the motion. Deputy Eastham stated that there <br />is a"maintain" in order to be fully certified. Commissioner Zimmerman changed the <br />motion wording to read "obtain and maintain certification" and Commissioner Hames <br />agreed. <br />Commissioner Zimmerman moved and Commissioner Hames seconded a substitute <br />motion to recommend approval of Plannin� Case 12-009 for a Preliminary and <br />Final Plat, and Master and Final PUD at 1201 County Road E based on the findin�s <br />of fact and the submitted plans as amended bv the conditions in the AAril 18, 2012, <br />plannin� case report, amending Condition 13 wording "narticinate" to "obtain and <br />maintain certification". <br />The motion failed (2-5). Commissioner Holewa, Commissioner Scott, Commissioner <br />Stodola, Commissioner Thompson and Chair Larson opposed. <br />Commissioner Hames moved to table approval of Plannin� Case 12-009 for a <br />Preliminary and Final Plat, and Master and Final PUD at 1201 County Road E <br />based on the findings of fact and the submitted plans as amended bv the conditions <br />in the April 18, 2012, ulannin� case reqort for a more comprehensive plan and for <br />some of the conditions to be a part of the plan. <br />The motion failed for lack of a second. <br />Chair Larson moved and Commissioner Holewa seconded a motion to deny <br />approval of Planning Case 12-009 for a Preliminary and Final Plat, and Master and <br />Final PUD at 1201 Countv Road E based on the findin�s of fact and the submitted <br />plans as amended bv the conditions in the April 18, 2012, plannin� case report, <br />keeping in mind the Planning Commission is an advisory board and based on the <br />