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8B, Planning Case 12-009 - 1201 County Road E Reuse Proposal
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8B, Planning Case 12-009 - 1201 County Road E Reuse Proposal
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9/28/2012 1:52:55 PM
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Commissioner Hames stated that overall she likes the plan but feels Commissioners and <br />residents would benefit from a review of a more detailed concept drawing. She asked if <br />this is a temporary solution for an economic situation or if it is long-term. Mr. Davidson <br />replied the investment being made is such that it is absolutely a long-term commitment. <br />He added he feels they have a unique and wonderful market niche with young people in <br />the area. Northwestern College proved that and although they controlled it, it functioned <br />well and students got jobs in the community. Hopefully, young students brought in will <br />move into housing in the area. He added if they were to bring back pictures of the <br />common areas this will delay the project. <br />Commissioner Thompson stated there are still several security concerns. The college was <br />successful but they had control of it and that is what made it successful. Demographics <br />have not been shown and are not in alignment with their success equaling this success. <br />Aspects of security are of concern considering there are no detailed plans. Another <br />concern is personal safety, not just for students but for others. There is concern about the <br />common areas with security, how can one person lock up facilities yet watch the front <br />door. Lighting can be addressed based on the Deputy's note. Another concern is traffic, <br />there is no overall proposal, yet there is a huge empty area — McGuire's. A more <br />comprehensive plan to ensure the right amount of parking is needed. There is also <br />concern about some of the landscaping and not meeting perennial requirements. Overall, <br />a full comprehensive plan of Lots 1 and 2 to ensure we have the right conditions in place, <br />is needed; there are just too many undefined variables. <br />Commissioner Zimmerman stated he understands the concern of paying taxes on an <br />empty building. He believes there are conditions that address many of the concerns that <br />were brought up. Regarding Lot 2, the hope is the success of this building will dictate <br />what will end up on that corner, depending upon demographics of rental population. The <br />units are relatively small but we have single homeowners that rent rooms out, so they <br />don't get much more space. He concluded Mr. Davidson and Mr. Nolan have several <br />years of experience. <br />Commissioner Holewa stated a concern is that when the property housed Northwestern <br />College students they were required to take the bus because there is not enough parking <br />on campus for students. Now with no bus all students will have to park on campus. He <br />asked if the Public Works Director would like to add anything. Public Works Director <br />Maurer replied he is not sure anything else is relevant, he gave his opinion on the traffic <br />report, noting they made assumptions and took some liberties equaling a lesser amount of <br />traffic than anticipated for PM peak traffic. <br />Chair Larson stated he finds it disconcerting that there are so many questions regarding <br />the application, which is lacking in details. He added many of these questions may be <br />answered to the Council, such as a lack of a comprehensive floor plan, ligk�ting plan and <br />security plan, which gives too many unknowns. The traffic study is also confusing; the <br />variables are many and based on other traffic studies although the assumptions are <br />unknown. With that being said the Chair would entertain a motion at this time. <br />
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