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• 14,000 vehicles per day - Two Lane Roadways with Turn <br />Lanes (Pine Tree Drive, Lexington Avenue at Harriet <br />Avenue, and County Road E west of Hamline Avenue) <br />• 27,000 vehicles per day - Four Lane Roadways with Turn <br />Lanes (Lexington Avenue at County Road E and County <br />Road E east of Hamline Avenue) <br />• 45,000 vehicles per day - Four Lane Expressways (Hamline <br />Avenue) <br />Figures 4.5 and 4.7 show the 2030 daily volumes anticipated on the <br />area roadways. The daily traffic volumes within the study area will <br />operate at or better than LOS D in both the 2030 No-Build and 2030 <br />Build scenarios. <br />b. Long Range Improvements <br />Even though the roadways and intersections will operate within traffic <br />engineering standards, it will be difficult for vehicles to leave the <br />Holiday Inn and Arden Plaza sites during the evening rush hour. To <br />assist the redevelopment efforts, it is recommended the Arden Plaza <br />and Holiday Inn driveways be realigned midway between Pine Tree <br />Drive and Lexington Avenue. Left turn lanes and shared <br />right/through lanes should be built on the new north and south legs of <br />the intersection to provide adequate egress and the intersection <br />should be controlled with a traffic signal. The signal should be <br />installed when the traffic volumes at the intersection meet the criteria <br />for installing a traffic signal per the Minnesota Manual on Uniform <br />Traffic Control Devices. These improvements are shown <br />schematically on Figure 5.1. <br />When the traffic signal is installed at the new intersection it will <br />operate at LOS B in the 2030 Build p.m. peak hour. This leaves <br />capacity to accommodate significantly more redevelopment as long <br />as the traffic from the redevelopment is focused at the signalized <br />intersection. <br />Based on the Guiding Planning efforts, it is envisioned the County <br />Road E corridor should provide safe mobility for pedestrians and <br />bicycles as well as vehicles. Several improvements are <br />recommended to accomplish this goal (see Figure 5.1): <br />• Construct a landscaped median on County Road E from <br />Hamline Avenue to Lexington Avenue to convert the private <br />driveways along County Road E into right-in/right-out <br />accesses. <br />• Driveways should be consolidated whenever feasible to limit <br />the conflict points along the corridor. <br />• Provide left turn lanes at public street intersections. <br />Cruiding Plan for the B2 District 22 Arden Hills, MN <br />Tra�c Impact Study December 2008 <br />