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'I"�I�+; <br />.��v���C�� <br />���I'�l'�I��, <br />� I�C. <br />May 8, 2012 <br />Meagan Beekman <br />City of Arden Hills <br />1245 W Highway 96 <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112 <br />Dear Ms. Beekman, <br />In response to your letter dated May 3, 2012 please note the following responses to the six (6) <br />areas of concern you note: <br />#1) "Lack of detail related to proposed land use." <br />Response: The project consists of <br />A -120 Market Rate Apartments <br />B-13,000 Square Feet of Specialty Retail <br />C- Two (2) Acres Sub-Division - Concept 24,000 SF Office <br />When the uses for B and C are identified we will present those uses to the City for approval. It <br />is unrealistic and unfair to prohibit the development of the apartments until precise uses are <br />identified for B& C. Traffic impact of A, B& C have been outlined in the attached traffic <br />summary. <br />Conclusion: Traffic generated by use A, B 8� C result in less daily PM Peak Hour <br />trip generation than anticipated by the Guiding Plan for the B-2 District. <br />#2) "Lack of a lighting plan." <br />Response: Staff has indicated to the developer that submission of a lighting plan <br />at this time was not required subject to agreement on lighting levels. Developer <br />agrees to comply in the recommendation of Ramsey County Sheriff. <br />#3) "Confusing traffic plan due to lack of detail related to overall proposal." <br />Response: Developer met with staff on Monday, April 30th, 2012 and agreed to <br />address questions related to traffic. On May 2, 2012 an addendum to the traffic <br />study was submitted to staff. (See Attached) The summary demonstrates that <br />uses A, B, C generate less traffic than anticipated in the Guiding Plan for the B-2 <br />District. Developer has received no questions or comments from staff regarding <br />the memo. <br />3900 Noxth�voods Dxive, Suite 125, Arden Hills, MN 55112 Phone: 651-481-6290 1'ax (651) 481-6289 FinaiL iob@davidsoncus.curri <br />