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The information in the Guidin� Plan for the B2 District concludes the Holiday Inn site can redevelop with <br />a traffic intensity of at least 1,960 trips per day and 239 trips during the PM Peak hour without adversely <br />impacting the conditions of County Road E or Le�ngton Avenue. In other words there is reserved <br />capacity on the surrounding roadways to accommodate development of 95 Aparhnent Units and 120,000 <br />square foot office on the Holiday Inn site. <br />To determine if the proposed use for the Holiday Inn site under consideration now (as summarized above) <br />will result in traffic capacity issues not already addressed in the City's study, the trip generation potential <br />for the proposed uses must be tested against the Guiding Plan for the B2 District reserve capacity for the <br />site. The following summarizes the ITE trip generation estimates for the proposed uses: <br />2012 Pro�osal —Arden Hall Projected 7'ri� Generation <br />- 120 Apartment Units 978 Trips per Day; 74 Trips in PM Peak Hour <br />- 13,000 sq. ft. Specialty Retail 576 Trips per Day; 35 Trips in PM Peak Hour <br />- 24,000 sq. ft. Office 264 Trips per Day; 36 Trips in PM Peak Hour <br />TOTAL Trips 1,818 Trips per Day; 145 Trips in PM Peak Hour <br />The current development plan results in less daily and PM Peak Hoar trip generation than <br />anticipated in the Gnidin� Plan for the B2 Dtstrict. Therefore, there is sufiicient reserve capacity <br />available on the surrounding street to address the traffic generated by the proposed uses for the site. Since <br />the Guiding_ Plan for the B2 District traff'ic study assumed mare trafiic for'the Holiday Inn site and <br />concluded there were no traffic operational issues associated with the redevelopment, it is concluded the <br />present proposed site uses with less traffic will not result in tr�c operational problems. <br />G:�Davidson Companies�20ll-052-Ivn_Correspondence�Davidson Memo 05012112.doc <br />RLK Incorporated Page 2 of 2 May 2, 2012 <br />Arden HaIl7rip Generation Addendum 2011-052-M <br />