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d �=� ���-� F�.� <br />��� <br />��S & �t��� <br />May 8, 2012 <br />Mayor David Grant <br />City of Arden Hilis <br />1245 Vil Highway J� <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112 <br />RE: Arden Hall Redevelopment <br />Dear Mayar Grant: <br />My company, Now Bikes and Fitness, has operated in Arden Hills for the past 15 <br />years. Currently my business is located in Shannon Square, tucked in the comer of the <br />development with very limited visibitity. Now Bikes must relocate to a much more visible <br />location. <br />I have entered into an agreement with The Davidson Companies to lease <br />approximately 9,000 square feet of space in the praposed redevelopment of the former <br />Holiday lnn (former banquet areaj. <br />Now Bikes would benefit tremendausfy by the increased visibility as well as being <br />part of the proposed mixed use development. <br />I would appreciate your vote in favor of Mr. Davidson's pr.oposed markef rate <br />apartment/mixed use development/lof split. <br />Now Bikes is extremely excited about the Arden Hall redevelopment projecf and <br />fooks forward to being a part af this project as well as remaining in the Arden Hills <br />community. <br />Now Bikes & Fitness <br />3673 Lexington Ave No, Arden Hills, MN 55 I 26 Phone: (651) 49Q-7709 Fax: �b51 J 490-7580 <br />Email: pah t <br />President <br />Now Bikes and Fitness <br />