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Battling Buckthorn? <br />by Susan Cathey <br />T <br />ber. <br />Are there some uninvitedŽ tree <br />species growing there? †ou may <br />Both physical and chemical methods can <br />is a problem. Both common or European <br />very persistent. A combination of methods <br />Minnesota Department of katural Resourc- <br />Minnesota and cannot be imported, sold, <br />was originally brought from Europe for <br />thorn. <br />use in hedges, by the 1930s it was found <br />to be very invasive and a threat to native <br />plants in forests, wetlands, and prairies as <br />City of Arden Hills will help out with dis- <br />on, Minnesota nurseries no longer sold <br />call City Hall by Thursday. †our trees or <br />branches should be organized in piles of no <br />more than 10 feet in length and placed at <br />The illustrations at right will help you <br />the curb with the cut side toward the street. <br />identify the plant. <br />Buckthorn <br /> <br />The plant is a tall understory shrub or small <br />has invaded all corners of our state and has <br />no natural enemies, so it is up to us to re- <br />with a spreading loosely branched crown <br />move it and protect our environment from <br />and often multiple stems at the base. It has <br />its harmful effects. <br />Raking? Cleaning up the yard? Some things to remember <br />Got leaves? You can bring them to the Ramsey County compost site located at <br />Hudson Avenue. (Turn east off New Brighton Road at First Street <br />follow the signs.) The site accepts trees, shrubs, leaves, grass <br />plants.) <br />The site is open through the end of November, weather permitting <br /> at these times: <br />You can see a map... <br />€ Monday,Wednesday, Friday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. <br />€ Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. <br />You can see a map of the Arden <br />Hills/New Brighton compost site and <br />€ Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. <br />all the yard waste disposal sites in <br />Ramsey County by going to: <br /> <br />Click on Public HealthŽ and then on <br />Waste Collection Sites.Ž <br />= <br />