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+X^8;** <br />. <br />Twin Cities, Mk <br />Permit _1962 <br />Arden Hills, Mk ==112-=73@ <br />I <br />Plastic Recycling <br />n <br />Election Details <br />Postal Customer <br />s <br />City Council Candidate Statements <br />i <br />Battling Buckthorn <br />d <br />e <br />Notes from the City Administrator <br />T <br />construction were hard to accept, the good <br />he past 12 months have been a At the end of 2011, the City was just start- <br />ing the website upgrade project. Today I <br />has been investing a lot of money into the <br />Arden Hills. Šast year, in the am happy to report that this project is in <br />kovember newsletter edition, I presented <br />enue bridge improvement project is done <br />information on the stadium proposal for dedication of the website ad hoc commit- <br />and Highway =1 is scheduled to be open <br />the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant <br />Communications Committee Chair Arlene <br />for completion this kovember are the new <br />City website. Today, I will follow up on <br />County Road 10 bridges over I-3=W that <br />these topics and provide an update on <br />connect Arden Hills and Mounds ‘iew. <br />road construction activities.committee was to recommend a website <br />While these projects are nearing comple- <br />was selected. The City has entered into a <br />three year contract with CivicPlus for on- <br />construction activities in Arden Hills are <br />ed in Minneapolis and not in Arden Hills going hosting, design and support services. <br />at the TCAAP site, a possible silver lining <br />resulting from the stadium site selection <br />ing on the reconstruction of the Highway <br />process is that a tremendous amount of in-the website more user-friendly, to more ef- <br />formation on the TCAAP site, the City of # <br />a major construction project in the City <br />throughout 2013. More information on this <br />that site was distributed far and wide. the characteristics of Arden Hills. Ad- <br />project will be presented in an upcoming <br />newsletter and will be posted on the City <br /># <br />website. <br />come and gone, Ramsey County and the More information <br />City Council are still committed to seeing on the website upgrade will appear in the <br />that the TCAAP site is purchased from the kovember newsletter. <br />federal government, remediated, and put <br />The challenges ahead for Arden Hills are <br />An update on current City activities would <br />also opportunities to achieve the goals of <br />19, the Ramsey County Board of Com-not be complete without noting a few <br />missioners adopted a resolution directing <br />year, the Minnesota Department of Trans- <br />the City staff for the betterment of the <br />community. <br />remediation of the TCAAP site. The fol- <br />City Council adopted a resolution that <br />supports this action by Ramsey County. <br />the County on this project. <br />City Administrator <br />