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3.5.1. AUAR. City has the legal authority as the responsible governmental unit <br /> ("RGU") for the development of the AUAR. City will coordinate the results of the AUAR with <br /> the Market Study and City's comprehensive plan in order to develop the TCAAP Master Plan to <br /> guide the New Development as will be provided in the TCAAP Master Plan. City will exert its <br /> best efforts to complete the AUAR within eighteen (18) months of the effective date of this Joint <br /> Agreement, and to complete the TCAAP Master Plan within six (6) months of the adoption of <br /> the AUAR, but not later than twenty-four (24) months of the effective date of this Joint <br /> Agreement for completion of the AUAR and the Master Plan. <br /> 3.5.2. City Public Improvements. City has responsibility for the construction of <br /> the City Public Improvements. It is the Parties' intent that City and County Public <br /> Improvements, and Developer Installed Improvements are constructed in accordance with a <br /> schedule as in set forth in TCAAP Master Plan in order that such improvements are timely <br /> constructed and phased to provide adequate utilities for the New Development as it occurs. <br /> However, unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties, the City will not construct the trunk and sub- <br /> trunk water mains, storm and sanitary sewer elements of the City Public Improvements unless <br /> the costs can be charged to a developer pursuant to the City's petition process. <br /> 3.5.3. Code Enforcement; Development Review Process. City has the legal <br /> authority and responsibility for building code enforcement on the TCAAP Site. City will assign <br /> staff to oversee the JDA development review process to assure development is in accordance <br /> with the development agreement approved by the JDA pursuant to the JDA development review <br /> process described in Schedule C. City's costs for oversight of the JDA review process and <br /> enforcement of approved development agreements will be reimbursed by the JDA from <br /> development fees described in Schedule D. <br /> Section 3.6. Joint Responsibilities. The Parties will complete their joint obligations and <br /> responsibilities in a timely manner. Where determined by the Parties to be more appropriate, the <br /> authority necessary for the redevelopment of the TCAAP Site as provided in this Joint <br /> Agreement may be exercised by the more appropriate Party as determined by the Parties. <br /> 3.6.1. Legislative Authority. The Parties will jointly request legislative bonding <br /> authority or other financing for the off-site transportation improvements as agreed upon by the <br /> Parties, and other initiatives with the Legislature deemed necessary for implementation of the <br /> TCAAP Master Plan, including the construction of the County and City Public Improvements. <br /> The Parties shall agree on a reasonable allocation of such funds to the City and County <br /> Improvements. <br /> 3.6.2. Coordination of Public Improvements. The Parties will coordinate the <br /> timing of the Public Improvements which are their separate responsibility to facilitate the staged <br /> redevelopment of the TCAAP Site pursuant to the TCAAP Master Plan. Each Party, with review <br /> and comment by the other Party, may elect to construct public improvements in advance of any <br /> identification of a Development Site or Sites. The Parties shall determine whether land for <br /> public amenities such as parks and trails shall first be dedicated by the County, or dedicated by <br /> 16 <br />