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developers as the New Development is implemented. The Parties will recover their costs when <br /> New Development takes place to the maximum extent feasible pursuant to Section 3.7. <br /> Section 3.7. Cost Allocation; Cost Recovery. The Parties will be undertaking activities <br /> in support of the New Development and operations of the JDA which will require public <br /> financial investment. It is the intent of the Parties that their respective investment be recovered <br /> to the maximum extent feasible (respectively "County Investment" and "City Investment" as <br /> defined in Section 1.1). The Parties will determine the respective cost allocation for the Shared <br /> Public Improvements, including the storm water pond retention system currently considered a <br /> likely requirement for the New Development. <br /> 3.7.1. County Cost Recovery. The County will recover the County Investment <br /> for the acquisition of the TCAAP Site, County Site Clearance, County Remediation, County <br /> Public Improvements, Off-site Transportation Improvements and the operations of the JDA <br /> primarily through the sale of land on the TCAAP Site. Notwithstanding the schedule and goals <br /> stated in the TCAAP Master Plan, unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties, the County Public <br /> Improvements shall be constructed when a Development Site is approved by the JDA, sold by <br /> County to the selected Developer, and the selected Developer agrees to financially participate in <br /> the extension of the respective County Public Improvements. <br /> 3.7.2. City Cost Recovery. City shall recover the City Investment for the trunk <br /> utilities and sub-trunk utilities (serving a Development Site), elements of the City Public <br /> Improvements, and the preparation of the AUAR and TCAAP Master Plan. <br /> City shall recover the City Investment for the trunk utilities and <br /> sub-trunk utilities when a Development Site is approved by the JDA, and the selected Developer <br /> agrees to financially participate in the extension of the respective City Public Improvements <br /> pursuant to City's petition process. <br /> City shall recover the cost of the preparation of the AUAR and <br /> TCAAP Master Plan through a fee or surcharge on building permits or other approvals issued by <br /> City for the New Development as further described in Section 3.7.3 below. <br /> Other City costs for serving Development Sites, including other <br /> public infrastructure such as parks, shall be recovered by City pursuant to a development fee <br /> structure as described at Schedule D. The development fees shall be imposed by the JDA on <br /> developers pursuant to approved development agreements; special assessments; and park <br /> dedication fees as may be necessary for a Development Site. <br /> City shall retain all fees for services relating to building permit <br /> and code enforcement activities performed on the TCAAP Site, as well as park dedication fees <br /> imposed by the JDA. <br /> Notwithstanding the schedule and goals stated in the TCAAP <br /> Master Plan, unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties, the trunk utility and sub-trunk utilities <br /> elements of the City Public Improvements serving a Development Site shall be constructed when <br /> 17 <br />