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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—NOVEMBER 19, 2012 4 <br /> Mayor Grant suggested the Council move to Item D on the agenda since members of the <br /> Financial Planning and Analysis Committee were present to discuss the utility rate study, and after <br /> which, discussion can return to the JPA. <br /> D. Utility Rate Study <br /> Mayor Grant thanked FPAC members James Ostlund, David Radziej and Arlene Mitchell for <br /> being present this evening. <br /> Finance Analyst Howard explained the Financial Planning and Analysis Committee (FPAC) has <br /> been reviewing the City's Utility Rates and Structure. Members of the committee were present <br /> this evening to discuss their recommendations with the Council. Staff then provided long-term <br /> forecast models to show the projected cash flows for the utility funds, along with scenarios the <br /> proposed changes will have on residential bills. <br /> Finance Analyst Howard discussed the current rate structure along with a proposed tiered rate in <br /> further detail. He reviewed the three goals of FPAC and noted the recommendation before the <br /> Council was to have the rates remain revenue neutral with 75% of fixed costs being covered by <br /> the meter charge. The other 25% of costs would be covered by variable expenses. This would <br /> assure that those with higher usage were paying their share. Staff commented that those residents <br /> with low water usage would benefit through the tiered rate structure. He noted that long-term <br /> expenditures were considered with the rate structure to assure that capital improvements would be <br /> funded. <br /> Councilmember Holmes questioned why the fund balances were projected to be so low in 2013. <br /> Director of Finance and Administrative Services Iverson explained this was due to projects <br /> scheduled for 2013 along with the decreasing profits from the current utility rate structure. <br /> Finance Analyst Howard further reviewed the proposed tiered rate structure with the Council. <br /> He stated this model would reward residents for low usage. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked how the tiers were established. <br /> Finance Analyst Howard stated all water usage was reviewed and some natural breaks were <br /> observed. A large group used 15,000 gallons or less. Another group used 35,000 gallons or less, <br /> and another group had water consumption of 35,000 gallons plus. <br /> Mayor Grant inquired the percentage of users in each tier. <br /> Ms. Mitchell explained that the first tier, users under 15,000 gallons made up half of the <br /> households in Arden Hills. She noted if the City were to select a "per gallon fixed fee" these <br /> users would pay only for the gallons used plus a fixed fee. <br /> Finance Analyst Howard commented the City could not account for 60,000,000 gallons in the <br /> system last year. This would continue to improve in the future as new meters were now in place. <br />