For example, to find the standard industrial classifica-
<br /> tion for computer storage devices, the division must be •
<br /> determined-in this case, the manufactures industry. What are the government organization types in
<br /> Finding the correct SIC code is a four-step process: 1) Minnesota?
<br /> Choose the division, 2) review the major groups for a
<br /> likely choice, 3) review the industry group for a likely The five major types of governments defined by the Cen-
<br /> choice, and 4) then review the industry for the specific sus Bureau are county, city, township, school district
<br /> industry. For example: and special district.
<br /> 1. Division:Manufacturing A government is an entity that has power to levy taxes,
<br /> 2. Major group:35,Industrial machinery power to issue debt paying interest exempt from federal
<br /> 3. Industry group:357,Computer and office equipment taxation, or responsibility for performing a public ser-
<br /> 4. Industry:3572,Computer storage devices vice. Minnesota is one of only 20 states that has town-
<br /> ship governments.
<br /> What industry of the 1992 economic census is the Minnesota United States
<br /> largest? Townships 1,803 16,656
<br /> The service industry is the largest industry in number of Cities 854 19,279
<br /> establishments. Manufactures has the most employees, School districts 458 14,422
<br /> and the smallest industry in both establishments and Special districts 377 31,555
<br /> employees is minerals. Counties 87 3,043
<br /> Establishments
<br /> What are special district governments?
<br /> Number of Percent of Minnesota
<br /> Establishments Establishments Minnesota statutes authorize the creation of various
<br /> Services 31,004 30.0% special districts or authorities that are counted as gov-
<br /> Retail trade 27,710 26.8 ernments.These are independent, special purpose gov-
<br /> Construction 10,664 10.3 ernmental units that have substantial administrative
<br /> Financial,insurance and fiscal independence.
<br /> and real estate 10,610 10.3 Special district governments provide specific services
<br /> Wholesale 10,219 9.9 that are not supplied by existing general purpose gov-
<br /> Manufactures 7,931 7.7 ernments.Examples of special district governments in-
<br /> Transportation, clude recreational districts,housing authorities,sports
<br /> communications and utilities 5,132 5.0 commissions,municipal gas and power agencies,health
<br /> Mineral 154 •1 care corporations, and regional development commis-
<br /> sions. Minnesota had 377 special district governments,
<br /> Employees according to the 1992 Census of Governments.
<br /> Number of Percent of
<br /> Employees Employecs How many units of government did Minnesota have
<br /> Manufactures 391,300 25.4% in 1992?
<br /> Retail trade 371,951 24.1 Minnesota had more units of government than any of its
<br /> Services 349,240 22.7 neighboring states in the past decade.
<br /> Financial,insurance and
<br /> real estate 124,756 8.1 1982 1987 1992
<br /> Wholesale 123,135 8.0 United States 81,831 83,237 85,006
<br /> Transportation, Minnesota 3,530 3,556 3,580
<br /> communications and utilities 86,428 5.6
<br /> Construction 85,977 5.6 North Dakota 2,796 2,788 2,765
<br /> Mineral 7,400 5 Wisconsin 2,593 2,720 2,739
<br /> Iowa 1,872 1,878 1,881
<br /> Note:Service industry category includes only establishments with payroll South Dakota 1,768 1,763 1,786 •
<br /> subject to federal tax.
<br /> 2 Minnesota Planning November 1996
<br />