<br /> Does Minnesota have more governments than any ments grew by 2.6 percent between 1987 and 1992,sales
<br /> other state? volume increased by 30.6 percent, and sales per estab-
<br /> lishment rose by 27.3 percent. At the same time, the
<br /> Based on total units of governments, Minnesota ranks number of establishments decreased in five sectors: food
<br /> sixth highest in number of governments. stores (-10.7 percent), building materials and garden
<br /> supplies (-9.4 percent), automotive dealers (-5.9 per-
<br /> If the measure of units of government per person is used, cent), drug and proprietary stores (-5.7 percent), and
<br /> Minnesota ranks ninth. apparel and accessory shops(-5.3 percent).
<br /> Per Person Number of Establishments Volume of Sales
<br /> Units of Units of Establishments Five-Year Sales Five-Year
<br /> State Government Rank Government Rank Year with Payroll Change (in billions) Change
<br /> Illinois 6,723 1 1,770 14 1982 24,792 2.8% $19.1 45.2%
<br /> Pennsylvania 5,159 2 2,303 21 1987 27,005 8.9 27.3 42.6
<br /> Texas 4,792 3 3,545 31 1992 27,710 2.6 $35.6 30.6
<br /> California 4,393 4 6,774 42
<br /> Kansas 3,892 5 637 5 Sales per Establishment
<br /> Minnesota 3,580 6 1,222 9 Year Sales Five-Year Change
<br /> 1932 $ 771,595 41.3%
<br /> How many people live in Minnesota's cities versus its 1987 1,010,176 30.9
<br /> townships? 1992 $1,285,537 27.3
<br /> More than 78 percent of Minnesotans, or 3,440,000
<br /> people, live in cities. Only about 21 percent, or 912,000, What were the top five Minnesota counties in retail
<br /> live in townships,and less than 1 percent of the popula- sales for 1992?
<br /> tion lives in other entities.
<br /> Five counties had 60.1 percent of the state's sales re-
<br /> What is the definition for large versus small city or ceipts,57.5 percent of retail employees,and 45.7 percent
<br /> • township? of retail establishments.
<br /> No standard criteria exist to define the size of a city or Number of Number of Value of Sales
<br /> township. Only two cities in Minnesota had a population County Establishments Employees (in billions)
<br /> of more than 100,000, Minneapolis and St. Paul. No Hennepin 6,469 106,271 $10.8
<br /> townships had a population of more than 24,999.Tenney Ramsey 2,867 47,997 4.3
<br /> is the smallest city in Minnesota, with a population of Dakota 1,429 25,268 2.7
<br /> four, and Minnie is the smallest township,with a popu- Anoka 1,050 17,715 1.9
<br /> lotion of nine. Steams 861 16,714 1.7
<br /> Cities Townships Total retail 27,710 371,951 $35.6
<br /> 1990 Census 1990 Census
<br /> 100,000+ 18.6 -0-
<br /> 25,000 to 99,999 31.6 -o- Does the economic census report sales per capita for
<br /> 5,000 to 24,999 31.1 5.2 retail,wholesale and services?
<br /> 2,500 to 4,999 6.7 10.6 Sales per capita are reported for all three industries.
<br /> 1,000 to 2,499 6.4 25.1 Wholesale sales per person in Minnesota was the high-
<br /> Less than 1,000 5.6 59.1 est of the three industries at$16,215 in 1992.
<br /> Retail Wholesale Service
<br /> Sales per Sales per Sales per
<br /> Retail Trade Year Population Person Person Person
<br /> Is retail trade growing in Minnesota? 1982 4,131,450 $4,630 $11,473 $1,567
<br /> 1987 4,235,136 6,441 13,052 2,744
<br /> Three indicators-number of establishments,volume of 1992 4,468,165 $7,972 $16,215 $4,200
<br /> sales, and sales per establishment-indicate whether
<br /> • Noce:Services sales Per person category Includes taxable establishments only.retail trade in Minnesota is growing. Retail establish
<br /> November 1996 Population Notes 3
<br />