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• <br /> Pag.16 PAt1,1S CAI <br /> S pt h '+n tea <br /> ENVIRONMENT <br /> continued from preuiour page sites that are more green than brown and is in the process of being redeveloped cases. <br /> environment. move them out into the transactional into a retail shopping center that was This suggested change in MPCA pol- <br /> On the Superfund side(Lo"for non- World to better compete with green fleId badly needed by the community. icy has created some uncertainty in the <br /> petroleum contaminants),the for is Properties. Part of the reason for the successful transactional world.If deed notations or <br /> formalizing the same basic risk-based In addition, sometime in the next development of this site is the fact that restrictive covenants were required,it <br /> approach that it had been usin g infor. year,the MPCA hopes to publish risk- the MPCA took into account the actual could have implications for all parties <br /> based remediation goals that will allow risks posed to p g <br /> molly prior to the"planned use"amend- g P people using the site and to a transaction as such restrictions <br /> ment. owners and potential developers actual- to the environment in setting the trite- could affect the value of the property <br /> Generally,for each contaminant(sot- ly to calculate the cost of remediating a ria for determining what contamination and the ability of the property to attract <br /> vents. PCBs, metals), the MPCA is Property to a specified use.This will needed to be remediated and the stan. financing. In these cases, the parties <br /> identifying the pathways by which the have several consequences. dard to be used in the remediation. will need to evaluate whether the possi- <br /> specified contaminant may migrate,and First,it will help land owners better As a result of this risk-based ble lower costs of a limited cleanup out- <br /> the human and environmental ate a determine a price for brownfield sites. approach,the MPCA will require some balance this possible effect. <br /> tors" (industrial workers, residential Often, these properties have been sold soil remediation,but will not require Summary <br /> users,children,fish,etc.)that may be too cheaply because the cost of the that the groundwater at the site be reme- MPCA's "formalization" of risk- <br /> users,c it the contaminant.It is then remediation is not known,and the worst dialed as it might have several years ago based assessment and remediation will <br /> working toward setting general risk- is feared. under the stricter "non-degradation" <br /> Second,it should lower the develop- standard.The extra cost of gundwater <br /> based remediation goals that can be lion costs of remediating actions.lIt has the potential r to lead to <br /> and develop- cleanu would have been considerable. less costly assessments of brownfields, <br /> modified in specific cases for different P <br /> planned uses. ing brownfields,because it will remove Similarly, under the risk-based reduced transactional costs and remedi- <br /> What does this mean for brownfields? many of the costs associated with nego- approach to cleanup, the MPCA is ations which reflect the actual risk of <br /> The continued movement toward tiating remediation standards.Finally,it allowing some contaminated soils to the proposed use of the site. <br /> risk-based assessment and remediation will streamline the time frame for reme- stay on site,although institutional con- In certain cases,however,the devel- <br /> standards can only help brownfields. diating many brownfields,thus allow- trols may be used to prevent these soils oper or buyer(or even the seller)might <br /> The MPCA has recently issued Draft ing brownfields to compete more readi- from being disturbed. <br /> ly with greenfields when timing is an want to remediate the site to an unlim- <br /> Site Screening Evaluation Guidelines as g Caveat emptor iced use to avoid a deed restriction or <br /> part of its overall development of the issue. For certain projects,there may be a another form of institutional control. <br /> Risk Based Site Evaluation Manual. The"Northeast Retail Site"located in price to using this new risk-based Even in these cases, however, the <br /> When finalized,these guidelines will northeast Minneapolis is an example of approach and remediating to a specific increased certainty and reduced time <br /> help brownfield property owners and how the use of risk-based assessment use.There is the possibility that the line for the remediation will benefit <br /> help b ers fi quickly determine with and remediation standards can positive- MPCA may require institutional con- brownfields development. <br /> P q y ( ly affect development of a brownfield trols to make sure that if a contaminant Martha Brand is an attorney at <br /> relative certainty and low transaction site.The Northeast site is the location is remediated to an industrial use,the Leonard, Street and Deinard, Min- <br /> costs)which contaminants found at a of the former Johnson Street Quarry use of the property does not change to neapolis,where she specializes in env <br /> i- <br /> site are at such low levels that future Dump.The wastes at this site include residential.The MPCA has released a ronmental law. <br /> investigation and remediation of these municipal <br /> contaminants will not be required.With P garbage and -demolition draft policy paper on the use o i comment,data,owners and developers will debris,abandoned drums,and petrolil which controls for internal comment, <br /> be able to remove the stigma from those um,solvent and PCB contaminated soil. which reportedly would require the use <br /> Yet,despite this contamination,the sift of deed restrictions in at least some • <br />
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