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Attachment A <br />March 6, 2013, Draft Planning Commission Minutes <br />Planning Case 13-001 – 1455 Skiles Lane; Variance Request <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman reviewed the applicants (Matthew and Ann Wessberg) are <br />requesting a variance to construct a below grade garage and above grade addition that would be <br />16 feet from the side property line. Because of the configuration of the lot with the side yard <br />facing Skiles Lane, a 40 foot setback is required. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman continued the applicants own the property that is zoned R-1. The <br />existing home encroaches 9 feet into the required 40 foot front yard setback. The existing <br />structure is a one-story walk-out facing Skiles Lane towards the west. The topography drops <br />towards the east and rear of the home. Skiles Lane curves to the east, wrapping around two sides <br />of the parcel, which also abuts Snelling Avenue to the east. The Code requires a 40-foot front <br />yard setback on three sides of the property, as it is wrapped on three sides by roadway. Currently <br />the dwelling has a two car tuck under garage that faces the rear of the property. The existing <br />driveway enters the property from the south and curves to the west to access the existing garage. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman provided an aerial photograph of the property and indicated the <br />current driveway location. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman reviewed the property owner is proposing to construct a new 576 <br />square foot, two-stall, garage adjacent to the existing garage to the south of the property. The <br />new garage would be oriented to the south of the property, as opposed to the existing garage, <br />which is oriented to the east. The addition would remain in line with the front and rear of the <br />existing structure. The new garage would encroach 24 feet into the required 40-foot side yard <br />setback. Because the property is a walk-out that drops to the east and rear of the property, the <br />garage addition would not be visible from the front of the home, and would only be partially <br />visible from the side of the property. <br />The applicant is also proposing to construct a 192 square foot addition and deck at-grade, on top <br />of the new garage. The at-grade addition would encroach nine feet at its nearest point in the <br />required 40-foot side yard setback, and would remain in line with the existing home’s setbacks. <br />The applicant is proposing to step back the at-grade addition in line with the curve of Skiles Lane <br />and to maintain the architectural lines and continuity of the structure. Some trees may be lost but <br />the applicants will be required to comply with the City’s tree preservation guidelines. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman showed photographs of the existing conditions. Sketches of the <br />new garage and addition were shown. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman summarized in total approximately 480 square feet of the <br />proposed addition would encroach into the front yard setback; of this only 96 square feet would <br />be visible from Skiles Lane. <br />A substantially similar variance request was submitted in 2007, which was approved by the City. <br />The project was never built and the variance approval expired. <br />