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PC Packets 2011
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The two silos in the applicant's request would be 24 feet tall and 12 feet in diameter, and <br /> would be placed upon a single 16 by 32 foot concrete pad. The applicant has indicated that <br /> the silos would be painted with a high solid polyurethane enamel (semi-gloss finish)to match <br /> the exterior of the main building on the property. <br /> The silos are needed to store plastic resin pellets that would be used to supply their new <br /> extrusion laminator. The pellets would reach the inside of the building through 6-inch steel <br /> piping, which would connect the silos to the extrusion laminator. The piping would lead the <br /> pellets directly to the hopper located above the machine. While the maximum capacity of <br /> each silo would be 65,000 pounds (1,858 cubic feet), the silos are not expected to hold more <br /> than 48,000 thousand pounds of material at any one time. <br /> The applicant's request also includes a 10,000 gallon containment tank. The tank would be <br /> approximately 13 feet tall, 12 feet in diameter, and would be made of white plastic. A new <br /> storage room is being constructed within the building to hold multiple 55-gallon closed <br /> drums containing ink. The room is designed to be explosion-proof since the ink has potential <br /> to be flammable. According to the Fire Marshal, the external containment tank must be able <br /> to hold the contents of one of the drums if there was a spill. In the event of an accident, the <br /> ink would be pumped into the proposed containment tank on the exterior of the building. <br /> Additionally, in the event of a spilled barrel, the containment tank would also need to be able <br /> to hold 30 minutes worth of water runoff from the sprinkler system in order to suppress a fire <br /> or other hazard. <br /> The southeastern side of the building contains approximately 1.7 acres (73,000 square feet) <br /> of paved surfaces and is used for storage and loading. As the silos and tank would be built on <br /> top of existing impervious surface, no change in impervious coverage would occur with this <br /> application. The addition of the three structures is not expected to impact access traffic <br /> circulation. There would not be any reduction in parking, as all parking is on the other side of <br /> the building. <br /> All of the material would be contained within the silos, piping, laminator, and containment <br /> tank. The project is designed to protect the exterior from potential nuisances. The pipes as <br /> well as the silo tanks would be constructed with double walls. <br /> The applicant has submitted two letters addressing the details of the application, a site plan, <br /> and measurements of the proposed structures (Attachment A). Some of the plans for the silos <br /> and for the containment tank are presented separately, as the applicant is working with two <br /> different companies on these projects. <br /> Previous Planning Cases <br /> The property has been part of four other planning cases. In 1997, Planning Case 97-006 was <br /> approved, which was the original PUD for this property. Planning Cases 00-017 and 00-031 <br /> were approved in 2000. These planning cases included minor changes to the exterior of the <br /> City of Arden Hills <br /> Planning Commission Meeting for September 7, 2011 <br /> P:IPlanninglPlanning Cases12011 U1-019-Hood Packaging PUD Amendment(Pending)109-07-11-PC Report.docx <br /> Page 2 of 6 <br />
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