Laserfiche WebLink
<br /> <br />17.Mental Stress and/or Effort <br /> <br />Conditions you are subjected to during your day-to-day duties: <br /> Limited mental effort and/or stress ......................................................................................... <br /> Some mental effort and stress involved resulting in inconvenience and frustration. ..................................................................................... <br /> Considerable mental effort and stress ........................................................................................ <br /> Serious mental stress involved that could, over a period of tiish. ......... <br /> <br /> Severe mental stress involved that could result in permanent nervous disorder/mental instability ............................................................... <br />18.Level of Responsibility <br /> <br />How much freedom or independence is required or allowed in the performance of your normal day-to-day duties: <br /> Close supervision, or tasks are so routine and standardized that they do not require supervision. .............................................................. <br /> Moderate supervision within standard operating procedures; supens, make <br />Ðjudgment callsÑ and/or prioritize work ........................................................................................ <br /> Limited supervision with general autonomy in determining how ob <br /> <br />benchmarks, goals and objectives ............................................................................................... <br /> General direction, based on broad goals and policies ................................................................................................. <br /> <br /> Involves setting policies and goals for the department or organ............................................ <br />19.Organizational Impact and Consequences <br /> <br />How your day-to-day duties impact the organization and the conse <br /> Supportive, informational, recording or other services to assisequences .... <br /> Assisting and supporting others or individually providing data onsequences <br /> Daily actions or services affect individual clients/citizens; a........................ <br /> Participating with others (within and/or outside of community/a <br />of subordinate staff; moderate to serious impact. ........................................................................... <br /> Major individual impact on and accountability for end results a....................... <br />20.Financial <br /> <br />Please indicate the dollar amount over which you have accountability, approval and/or authority. <br />(SupervisorÓs comments regarding <br /> <br />this information may be provided on Page 5 in the SupervisorÓs C <br /> $0 (N/A) $20,000 - $49,000 $1,000,000 - $4,999,999 <br /> $1 - $999 $50,000 - $99,999 $5,000,000 - $19,999,999 <br /> $1,000 - $4,999 $100,000 - $499,999 $20,000,000 Î 49,999,999 <br /> $5,000 - $19,999 $500,000 - $999,999 $50,000,000 + <br /> <br /> <br /> Page 4 <br />