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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting MinutesJanuary 8, 2013 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Ms. Olson provided the committee members with a copy of the Parks and Recreation <br />section of the Comprehensive Plan. She reported that the Comprehensive Plan was <br />essentially used to update the open space plan that was done in 2002. She indicated it <br />was suggested this be looked at annually and she will, therefore, provide the members <br />with an annual copy. She stated the Comprehensive Plan cannot be officially changed, <br />but can be updated for their group and Council in order to keep the committee on task. <br />Ms. Olson indicated one of the goals that had been mentioned by the committee was to <br />do an updated open space plan/resident survey and asked the committee if there is still <br />interest in that. Discussion ensued and suggestions included using Survey Monkey <br />and/or e-mails. Council Liaison Holden informed they have not received a lot of input <br />when using Survey Monkey. Ms. Olson suggested doing a mailing of the survey which <br />could also include the link to Survey Monkey. It was suggested the survey questions <br />expand beyond just Parks, Trails and Recreation and also include some open-ended <br />questions. Council Liaison Holden suggested having the neighbors meet the PTRC <br />members at the park in order to get input. She also indicated that when presenting to <br />Council, the committee provide input on how they want to do the survey, what the <br />purpose of the survey is, and how the data will be used. Chair indicated she <br />could speak about the survey at the joint meeting to get input from the Council. <br /> <br />Ms. Holden asked that the committee prioritize their list of ideas before bringing to <br />Council. Discussion then ensued on the priorities and who would be responsible for <br />presenting each topic at the joint meeting. The consensus of the PTRC was to have the <br />st <br />County Road E/Old Hwy 10 trail be the 1 priority and have Committee Member <br />nd <br />Straumann present, have the Freeway Park Enhancements as the 2 priority and have <br />rd <br />staff present, have the Hazelnut Park Pavilion as the 3 priority with Committee Member <br />th <br />Peck presenting, and the Off-Leash Dog Park as the 4 priority with Committee Member <br />Michaelson presenting. The committee was also in agreement to take Buckthorn <br />Eradication off the list of priorities and to move the Accessibility goal under the general <br />goals category. <br /> <br />B. Joint Meeting Presentation Work Session <br /> <br /> <br /> Item 3A included the joint meeting presentation discussion. <br /> <br />C. Other Unfinished Business <br />Committee Member Peck informed that he and Committee Member Michaelson met <br />before the meeting in regards to the plaque for Committee Member Messerly. He and <br />Mr. Michaelson have initially agreed on a bronze plaque of suitable stock, which will <br />include the city logo and have raised lettering. They have yet to determine the exact <br />location but would like the plaque displayed in the shelter area on some kind of pedestal <br />that can be angled. Ms. Holden asked if they could put plastic over the plaque to protect <br />it. Ms. Olson indicated she could check on whether that is an option. Committee <br />Member Peck indicated he and Committee Member Michaelson plan to have the wording <br />finalized by the next meeting and have set a tentative dedication for some time in July. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />