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8/27/2013 12:51:57 PM
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—JUNE 24, 2013 12 <br /> new stone work being added to the building's south fagade. The signs would be located on County <br /> Road E adjacent to the two principal site entrances on the eastern and western end of the property. <br /> Community Development Intern Bachler stated that the applicant is proposing a wall sign <br /> measuring 25 feet by 3.5 feet (87.5 square feet) for the primary retail bay in the E Street Shoppes <br /> building. Both of the two smaller retail bays would be allowed wall signs measuring up to 50 <br /> square feet in area. An additional wall sign is proposed to help brand the property's retail <br /> component as the E Street Shoppes. The proposed E Street Shoppes sign is comprised of <br /> individual cut, back-lit letters at a maximum height of 24 inches. The total area of this sign would <br /> be 34 square feet. <br /> Community Development Intern Bachler explained that wall signage is proposed for the E <br /> Street Flats residential apartment building as well. One sign would be located on the south wall of <br /> the building facing County Road E and would measure 10 feet wide by 5 feet tall, which is a total <br /> area of 50 square feet. The second sign would be installed on the east building wall facing <br /> Lexington Avenue and would measure 18 feet wide by 3 feet tall, or an area of 54 square feet. <br /> Community Development Intern Bachler stated that auxiliary signage on the site would be used <br /> to provide direction and demarcate the parking lot. Each sign would have the same dimensions: 75 <br /> inches in height with a sign copy area of 24 inches by 18 inches. A total of 16 auxiliary signs are <br /> proposed. The signs would identify parking spaces as being reserved for customers, employees, <br /> renters, or guests, and would define a loading and delivery zone for the retail property. <br /> Community Development Intern Bachler commented that the applicant is proposing 87.5 <br /> square feet of wall signage for the largest retail bay, which exceeds the requirements by 27.5 <br /> square feet. This request is justified given that the tenant will occupy 114 feet of frontage. While <br /> there are no guidelines on permitted wall signage for property owners, the proposed E Street <br /> Shoppes sign, measuring 34 square feet, is less than what an individual business establishment <br /> would be allowed and is deemed reasonable in this case. All other proposed wall signage for the E <br /> Street Shoppes building meets the Sign Code requirements. <br /> Community Development Intern Bachler indicated that the applicant is requesting an additional <br /> 54 square feet of wall signage for the E Street Flats building. A total of 104 square feet of wall <br /> signage is proposed. This request for flexibility is reasonable because the size of the building and <br /> the large building setbacks from the public streets make signage difficult to see. The building is <br /> setback approximately 360 feet from Lexington Avenue and 70 feet from County Road E. The <br /> proposed wall signs would cover approximately 2.3% of the east building fagade and 0.5% of the <br /> south building fagade. <br /> Community Development Intern Bachler indicated that Section 1260.01 of the Sign Code <br /> permits adjustments to sign height, number, type, lighting, area, and/or location through the site <br /> plan review process if criteria number 1 or 2 is met and the required criteria number 3 is met. The <br /> criteria are as follows: <br /> 1. There are site conditions which require a sign adjustment to allow the sign to be <br /> reasonably visible from a street immediately adjacent to the site; or, <br />
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