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CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING <br />TUESDAY,SEPTEMBER24, 2013 <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY HALL <br />CALL MEETING TO ORDER <br />ChairOMalleycalled the September 24, 2013, meeting of the Parks, Trails, and Recreation <br />Committee to order at 6:30p.m. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT:Chair OMalley,Committee Members Phil Kramlinger, Jane Larson, Don <br />Messerly, Chuck Michaelson, Harold Petersen, Steve Scott, John Van Valkenburg and Cindy <br />Garretson(arrived at 6:38 p.m.). <br />OTHERS PRESENT: <br /> Parks and Recreation Manager Michelle Olson,Council Liaison Fran <br />Holmes and guest Chuck Kachel. <br />ABSENT: <br />Committee Members John Peck (excused), Matt Trites (excused) and Rich Straumann <br />(excused). <br />1.APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />MOTION: <br />Committee MemberMichaelsonmotionedtoapprove the agendaseconded by <br />Committee MemberPetersen. The motion carried unanimously(8-0). <br />2.APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 18, 2013 <br />Committee Kramlinger indicated his name should be listed as being present for the June 18, <br />2013, meeting minutes. <br />MOTION:CommitteeMemberScottmotioned to approve theJune18, 2013,minutes as <br />amended,secondedby Committee MemberKramlinger. The motion carried <br />unanimously(8-0). <br />3.UNFINISHEDBUSINESS <br />A.ParkTour Evaluation Results <br />Ms. Olson provided the committee members with a corrected version of the Sampson <br />Park Evaluation since the copy in the packet was incomplete.Sheindicated that <br />Committee Member Trites was not able to attend the meeting but had forwarded some <br />comments.Ms. Olson suggested they review the evaluations and if there is a consensus <br />that something is of concern they could discuss. She mentioned the larger projects would <br />need to go through Council, but the smaller ones could be put on a list for Public Works <br />to take care of. <br />