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10-15-13 PTRC Packet
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10-15-13 PTRC Packet
10-15-13 PTRC Packet
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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting MinutesSeptember 24, 2013 <br />Page2 <br />Ms.Olson indicated that Public Works is removing the gates at Floral, Cummings and <br />Hazelnut Park and that this should be done by the end of this fall.She also noted that <br />there was a comment about the need to spray paint the basketball backboards at <br />Cummings and shewill look at that for next spring. <br />Ms. Holmes indicated there was a comment about Cummings Park beinghard to find. <br />Ms. Olson indicated there is a sign on Lexington and one on County Road F. The signs <br />have the Arden Hills logo,the name of the park, and an arrow pointing to the park.She <br />mentioned that staff did change the address of the park to 1219 Cummings Park Drive so <br />thatanyoneusingaGPSwillbe directed to the park and not to Wyncrest Drive, which is <br />what was happening before the address was changed. <br />Chair OMalley informed that she weeded the perennial garden at Floral Park towards the <br />end of the summer.Some neighbors stopped and they all indicated they love the gardens <br />but realize they are a lot of work. One woman mentioned the PTRC should ask the <br />neighborsto comeand help weed.Ms. OMalley indicated she felt this was a good idea. <br />Ms. Olson indicated staff did have an adopt a garden program, but did not get much <br />response. Ms. OMalley suggested putting this back on the agenda in the spring and she <br />would be willing to work with the neighbors to see if anyone would be interested in <br />helping weed.Ms. OMalley indicated that a resident felt there should be a backboard on <br />the tennis court. Ms. Olson indicated there was a backboard but it was removed because <br />ofmaintenance issues. She indicated she would check with Public Works to see what <br />options there are. <br />Ms. Olson reported that residents have had requests for pickleball lines on tennis courts. <br />She indicated that staff are consideringadding pickleball lines on the tennis courts at <br />CummingsParknext spring since it would not be a substantial expense. <br />Ms. Holmes mentioned the hockey boards at Freeway Park need painting. Ms. Olson <br />indicated the Army was going to do that this summer with their service project but it <br />rained.It was suggested the committeedo the painting instead of doing the buckthorn <br />removal and see if Bethel would be interested in helping since they use the hockey rink a <br />lot. Ms. Olson indicated she wouldaskBethelif they would be interested in helping and <br />willhave Public Works power wash before the committee paints. <br />Ms. Olson reported that the section of trail leading from theparking lot to the play <br />structureat Hazelnut Park had been redone and that the tennis court and mulch were also <br />redone. <br />Ms. OMalley pointed out that there were many comments about the stump at Ingerson <br />Park at the bottom of the hill. Ms. Olson indicated this will be taken care of at the end of <br />the year when they do the other stump removals. <br />Ms. Olson informed that Committee Member Trites feltthat Lindeys Park would be a <br />good candidate for a dog park.She researched this as the land was dedicated to the City <br />as parks and open space,but the City does not have title to the property. When <br />
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