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09-26-11-R Draft Minutes
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09-26-11-R Draft Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETNG— SEPTEMBER 26, 2011 6 <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holmes moved and Councilmember Tamble seconded a <br /> motion to approve Planning Case 11-020 for a Conditional Use Permit <br /> Amendment and Variance at 1900 Lake Valentine Road based on the findings <br /> of fact and the submitted plans as amended by the four conditions in the <br /> September 26, 2011, Planning case report. The motion carried unanimously <br /> iL2Z <br /> B. Motion to Approve Planning Case 11-019—Hood Packaging PUD Amendment <br /> Planning Intern Mei-Ling Anderson explained that Hood Packaging, 1887 Gateway Blvd., is a <br /> national company that manufactures various types of paper and plastic packaging products. They <br /> are a conforming use in the Gateway Business Zone. Currently there are four storage tanks on the <br /> property that were built following the approval of two previous planning cases. This request <br /> would add one containment tank and two silos to the southeast side of the property, which is used <br /> for storage and loading. The containment tank would hold 10,000 gallons, be about 13 feet tall <br /> and 12 feet in diameter, be made of white plastic, and located between the proposed silos and the <br /> building. The silos would be 24 feet tall and 12 feet in diameter and would be placed upon a <br /> single 16' by 32' concrete pad. The applicant has indicated that the silos would be painted with a <br /> high solid polyurethane enamel to match the exterior of the main building. The silos are needed <br /> for storage of plastic resin pellets that would be used to supply the company's new extrusion <br /> laminator machine. A new storage room is being constructed within the building to hold multiple <br /> 55-gallon closed drums containing ink. The room is designed to be explosion-proof since the ink <br /> has potential to be flammable. According to the Fire Marshal, the external containment tank must • <br /> be able to hold the contents of one of the drums if a spill occurred. <br /> Planning Intern Anderson stated that at their September 7, 2011 meeting, the Planning <br /> Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of Planning Case 11-019 for a Planned <br /> Unit Development Amendment at 1887 Gateway Boulevard, based on the Findings of Fact and <br /> the submitted plans, as amended by the following four conditions: <br /> 1. The project shall be completed in accordance with the plans submitted as amended by the <br /> conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined by the City <br /> Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. <br /> 2. The three tanks shall meet all applicable zoning, building and fire code regulations. The <br /> applicant shall obtain all required permits prior to installation. <br /> 3. The three tanks and connecting systems shall comply with the odor, noise, and other <br /> applicable Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regulations. Failure to comply with these <br /> regulations may result in revocation of a permit. <br /> 4. The silos shall be painted to match the color of the building. <br /> Mayor Grant questioned the location of the containment tank and asked if there will be screening <br /> provided. He also stated his concern about the proposed office building to be located at the <br /> Traverse Business Center which would be very close to the silos. <br /> Planning Intern Anderson explained that painting is a form of screening under the code. <br />
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