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09-26-11-R Draft Minutes
City Council
City Council Packets
09-26-11-R Draft Minutes
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M ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETNG—SEPTEMBER 26, 2011 7 <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated that they had discussed screening at the Planning Commission <br /> meeting but it is difficult to screen something 24 feet high. Also, according to City Code, if the <br /> silos are painted the same color as the building that qualifies as screening. <br /> Mayor Grant questioned how far the silos can be located from the building, be painted the color <br /> of the building, and yet still be considered screened. <br /> City Planner Beekman stated that the code does not stipulate a specific distance. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned if the silos will be taller than the existing buildings. <br /> Planning Intern Anderson responded they will not be taller than the buildings. <br /> Councilmember Tamble pointed out that there are currently semi-trucks parked on the property <br /> in this area so he wasn't concerned about screening. He also commented that this improvement <br /> will make it possible for Hood Packaging to increase their business and add jobs. <br /> Mayor Grant again expressed his concern about how the addition of silos will impact the <br /> adjacent Traverse Park area which includes 500,000 square feet of office space. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked how long Hood Packaging has been in Arden Hills. <br /> Brian Munsterman, Hood Packaging, responded that they have been in Arden Hills since 2001. <br /> He added that just this year Hood Packaging took over the rest of the existing building and signed <br /> a ten-year lease. He also stated that they recently made a$5 million investment in new equipment <br /> for this location. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if Hood Packaging anticipates building more silos. <br /> Mr. Munsterman responded they do not have plans for any more silos because, based on the size <br /> of the machine they are adding and the two proposed silos, they would have to move off the <br /> property since there is no additional room. <br /> Mayor Grant asked how far the location of the silos will be from the actual building. <br /> City Planner Beekman responded they will be 23 feet from the building. <br /> Councilmember Holden commented that Hood Packaging is a very viable business; they've <br /> expanded into the rest of the building and have a ten-year lease,whereas the future of the Traverse <br /> Business Center adjacent to this property is uncertain. She did recommend screening for the <br /> containment tank. <br /> Mr. Munsterman responded that the containment tank is a white plastic that cannot be painted <br /> and added that a fence screening could be placed around it. <br /> Mayor Grant agreed that Hood Packaging is a good business, but he is concerned that the <br /> placement of the silos may detract from the development of the 500,000 square feet of office <br />
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