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09-26-11-R Draft Minutes
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09-26-11-R Draft Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETNG—SEPTEMBER 26, 2011 8 <br /> space at the Traverse Business Center. He stated the proposed silos stick out 56 feet into the <br /> parking lot and questioned if they could be located closer to the building. <br /> Mr. Munsterman explained that they initially planned to place the silos next to the building but <br /> the location of underground utilities and the necessity for footings under the silos makes that <br /> impossible. The silos are being placed per the engineer's recommendation. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if the silos have to be external to the building. <br /> Mr. Munsterman responded that they do have to be located externally. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked if they had considered placing the silos parallel to the building. <br /> Mr. Munsterman stated they had considered that but because of the containment system,the Fire <br /> Marshal would not allow that configuration. <br /> Mayor Grant commented that it appears that Hood Packaging is basically expanding into their <br /> parking lot without screening adjacent to a large business center. He stated he isn't happy about <br /> the expansion into the parking lot, but with screening he could support the proposal. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Werner seconded to <br /> approve Planning Case 11-019 for a Planned Unit Development Amendment <br /> at 1887 Gateway Boulevard, based on the findings of fact and the submitted <br /> plans, as amended by the four conditions in the September 26, 2011, report to <br /> the City Council. <br /> Mayor Grant again questioned if this is the only location for the silos on the property. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Mayor Grant seconded the motion to <br /> amend the recommendations and include number 5 that there be screening <br /> similar (14 feet in height) to the screening that is already there between the <br /> chiller and the silos so it blocks the stark white containment tank view from <br /> the street and that staff work with the applicant for proper placement. <br /> Councilmember Tamble asked if the screening referred to in the amendment poses any kind of <br /> hazard. <br /> Mr. Munsterman responded that he doesn't think the screening will be an issue as long as there <br /> is sufficient room to access the tank in case of an emergency. <br /> The amendment carried on a 4-1 vote (Tamble-Nay). <br /> Discussion ensued and Council consensus was to table this matter to give staff time to research <br /> the City Code regarding screening. <br />
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