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7. There will be n€� exteriar evrd��ce +af the ha�ne c�ccupatior�. <br />8. The prvposal dves nvt in��ude any speeial entrances to the dwelling. <br />�. The busiries� will be awr�ed and c�perated by t�.e a�pl�cant, Christine Osg�od. The <br />app�icai�i is a resideni af �he dvvelling. <br />1 D. The appiicant has indicated thai the ho�.e occup�iian wz�� nat nee�i any additional <br />emplc�ye�s. <br />11. The propa�ed use would �se less th� 33% of the total �lo€rr area af #he home. <br />12. Th� propase� use would ha�ve a iitnite� number of patrans visiting the hort�e, as tlae <br />applicant wauld only be seein� one clien� at a tirn�, by app�intmen�. <br />I 3. I3ue tm ihe limite�i nu�nber o� cl�ents, the existing dri�eway affers su�ficierct oif-streei <br />parking; �awever, ance-monthly meetings rnay require additianal an streei parking, <br />dzuing the da.y. <br />14. The pro�ase�i �se is unlik�ly to require praduct deliveries at any frequency greater <br />than on�e per day. <br />Siaff rec�rrnmends apprcrva� vf Plannin� Case 12-�3t15, based fln ih� �'indings of fa�t and <br />the sub�nitted plans, as �r�sentec� in the Ma�ch 7, �012, report to the �lan�ning <br />Commissian., se�bject to the Fallowin� eonditions: <br />I. The canditiana� use �aermii sha11 nat be transferable to other indi�iduals. <br />2. `b'he appl�c�.nt snali coaa�,ply with aZI sections af t�xs Ciiy Code, includin� no more than <br />ffliar �et�icle� �arked in a dri�eway at ar�.y flne tirne. <br />3. Any changes ia the stru�ture shail req�ire re�iew and apprr��al fram the �u�ldin� <br />Clffi�ial. <br />Fo�zr opfions and prapaseci rnfl#ion larrguage were pra�ided far recarnmend approyal, <br />recam�nend appra�va�. with cc�nditians, recommend denial with reas�ns for denial, and <br />tabRe far additic�nal infor�atao�a. <br />Christine U�gaad a�peared befare ihe Campnission. Cvmmissianer Holewa as�Ced if Ms. <br />QsgoQd planned on da�ing any rnediatian and Ms. t]►sgaod statee� she wauid not. <br />Chair La.rson op�n�d the pu�lic hearirag at 6:35 p.m. <br />I'�a a�e appeareci t4 address the Commission. <br />Chair Larsvn clased the publi� hearing at �:3b p.m. <br />C4mmissic�t�er Hames mc��ed a�d �aa�missioncr Thomnson seconded a��#ivn to <br />a ra�e as r+esent�d. "The mo�ivn carrie�l unanimousl S-U . <br />