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Il'�TR(7rD[7CTIC)�i AND BACKGR4I�NI) <br />This feasibility report �iscusses }�roposed raadway impro�einents to f)�d Sneliing A�enu�, fram <br />County Rc�ad E ta Trw�ie Hig�►w�y 51, along wrth corres��ndin� pro�ect cast estiz►��.tes and <br />fnancin� c�ptic�ns for the City Cae�ncil to �ansider. �i is recommended that the prnjeci b� <br />incvrporated into the City's Capita� Im�roVement Plan (CIF'�. A trtap showin� ti�e prQject area <br />can i�e 4'ound in Ap�endix A. <br />el o assist with the preparatian of thas feasibility report, City Stc��f Uti�IZ�C� �ari��s cansuliani <br />ser�ices. Tn �d08, Boli:an & Menk, Inc. prepared a preliminary en�ineering re�ort to deterrnine <br />the feasibitity of const�ct�ng a trail alang the Old 5nellingl'fl�c� Highvvay l�i corridor frarn Tre�nk <br />Highway 51 to CSAH 96. At the Se�atember � 3, 2�310 meeting, the Ciiy Council appra�ed a <br />consulkant caniract �vith Kimley-Horn and Assoeiates, Inc. to conduct a tapr��raphic sur�ey of <br />the roadway cc�rrid�or and tc� prep�,re an analysis €��' the existin�; bridge structure. In December, <br />2Q1 �, Kimley-Horz1 was authorized by ihe City C�un��l to begin final desi�;n on a new bridge <br />stn.�cture. Soil barings �ver� a1s� obtair�ed alQng the praject earridar. <br />EXISTING STRCET C4NDITIf7►N5 <br />+Dld S�elling Avenue is an undi�vided roadway that is appraximately 4,3�0 feet �ong �0.81 mrie) <br />and lies within a 2(]0 foc�i ri�ht-of-way, �"he majcrriry af ihe carridor is built to a r�ral road <br />section. 7`he rural segrnent of (71d Sneili�� AVenu� has 12 fa�t dri�ing lazaes in e�c� directian <br />with 8 for�t �aved shaulders, fc�r a to�al width Qf 4� feet . The northerly 9D� f�et a� roadway from <br />County l�c�ad � to Arden Pl�ce is an �rban sectian with can�rete curb ar�d gutter. T�►e cxisiing <br />�arban section is 45 feet wide. 1�lorthbaund [�ld Snelling ��enue appraaching CQrunnty RQad E <br />interseciion, thcre is a l2 fooi wid�, 25(9 feet Iong left turn lane. <br />The projcct area includes single-farnfly �roperties which are zoned R-1, along with Lindy's Parl€ <br />imcated ai the north end of the proje�t. This segrnent af [)ld Snelling Avenue eannects to Caunty <br />Ra�d E at the north end and to Minnesata Trunk Hi�hway 51 at the s4uth. �Id Snelling Avenue <br />ser�res as a collector roadway thai was turned hack ta th� City and is currently desi�n�ted as a <br />Mianicipal State Aid (MSA) st�eet. There are nine City roadrvay connectians ta Old 5neliing <br />Aven�.e alan� t�is �orridar, five lacate€i an the east side and fo�r on the vves� side which ser�e <br />the adj acent nei ghbQrhoods. <br />Acccar�iing tQ traffi� counts vbtained by the City of RQse�ille's Public Works Departrr�ent frarn <br />Septem�er 1 to Sept�mber 3, 20�[3, �ld Sn�llin� A�enu� caz�r°ied an a�verage daily traffic {ADT} <br />count Qf 1,15f� and I,93D �ehicles per day at twa separate laca�ions. A,Isa, accarding to the <br />Minnes�rta Department of Transp�r�aticrn's (MnIDQT) records, Old SnelPing A�enue laad �n <br />average daily traffic �olume of 9�0 �ehicles per day �n 20D9. Ilasily, the roadway is pt�sted at 40 <br />miles per hour in bath the north and sauth dire�tiQns. <br />A�den Hilis' pa�e�ent management sys�em utilizes a Pa�ernen�i CanditiQn Index 4PCI} rating of <br />0 to 10[7 where street ratin�s are classified i� three caie�ories: "�dequaie" �bb-1�(i), "mar,�inal" <br />{31-65}, and "prQblem" (Q-3fl). Ratfngs are based on obs�rr�va�ic�ns af each af the s[reet's <br />pa�ement surface. Generally, the three categ�ries cv�respand to a le�el of xnast �ast eifecti�e <br />