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impro�erne�t as f�Iiows: �C3-30) pavemeni r�c�nstruction, (31-GS} bituminc�us o�erlay ar re�Iaim, <br />�.nd �66-1�(3} sealcoat andlor crack sealing. This ratira� system assists an priQritizing roac�wa.y <br />im�ravements an�i prQje�t�n� cnsts far use in the Ci�y's pa�emeni tna�agement and capita.l <br />impr+��ement plans. <br />C11d Snelling Avenue has substantially deteriarate�i and shows signs of significant wear and <br />distress such as trans�erse cracking, alli�atar cr�ck�ng, and po�:haies. Accarding to ihe City's <br />pa�ement managem�nt systena, in ��fl8 this roadway was �i�en a PCI rating of 31. Signif�cant <br />skin patching has been completed along this se�ment o�er the last se�eral years rais�n� the rating <br />from its 2(�t]$ se�re. Althoragh gi�en the roadway's Iack of structure, a realisiie current PCI <br />wauld b� k�etween 30 and 40, placing the road in the bitumi raous t�verlay ar recla��re categc�ry <br />which woul�l be a rehabilitatiQn type of project. The la�t knawn im�rQ�ernent to 41d �nelling <br />A�ersue exterYded frQm Ccaunty Road E to Arden Place, and accurred in I97fl as part af a�.amsey <br />�ouiaty project. The Ciiy has �erfarmed main�e�ance on C31� Snelling A�enue includ��n� p�tho[e <br />fitlin�, ski� patchin�, seal caatin�, and cra�k sealin�. Accordin� to th� A�den Hills Public Works <br />I3epa�-lment, this segrr�ent of roa�iway was turned-i�ack tn the City in ap�rr�ximat�ely 1995. <br />Ciiy sta#f v�ras nol ahle to find MinnesQta llcpartment ❑� Tr�.n.nsp�rtatian (MnIDQ`�') rc�ords far <br />tlae ariginal constr►.�ction or maintenance on Qld Snelling Avenue. Several sQil borin�s were <br />abtained throu�h ihe praject corridar, both within th� rnadway and on ihe shoz�lder, to ideniify <br />existing subsoils. Th� sQil barin�s indi�;ate v�..rious thicknesses af bituminous pa�ement ran�;ing <br />from 3 inches io 14 inches. The a�erage pa�ernent thi�kr�ess i� the traveled lanes is 6 inches. <br />`l'he sandlgravel a��rega�e base ihicktless ranges from 0 ta 7 inches, dependi�� Qn whether t�e <br />b�ring was tak�n an the shoulder �r in the dri�e lane. The aver�,�e t.�i+�kness af the ���re�ate <br />base inplace is 6 inches. Th� fll �ac�eath ihe existing pa�emen� section consists �nostly of sandy <br />lean clay and clayey sand with gravei. In same barin�s, t�rp��il and c�rganic matcrial was also <br />nbser�ed. In�ividual s�il �arircg logs ha�e been included in the App�ndix G Qf this repart. <br />Near the s��i:h e�d Qf ihe proje�t area there is an existin� }�rid�� structure which crasses o�ver the <br />Lake losephine discharge channel, ultima.tely draining ta Lake �oha.nnna. The br�d�;e struciure was <br />originally co�structed in 19�b anc� is appraxirnately 36 fee� wic�� with a 2D faat long span. in <br />accordance witl� NinIQ�T's ret�uirerr�ents, Ra�msey C:+��niy has been gerrorr�ing the necessa�'y <br />Y�rid�e inspe�tiQns f�ar the �City o� Arden Hills; the rreosl recent ins�ection vvas carnpl�ted in 2011. <br />The bridge is pc�s�ed with Ivad restrictions b�.sed c�n the eondition of #he siructure. This structure <br />has b�en posted for vver 30 years <br />E�ISTING UTILITY CaNDITIQNS <br />City utilities �t�cated within the project limiis include sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer. The <br />e�isting conditi6n� for the utiliiies were obtain�l from City as-buiZl drawings and the impacts to <br />th� �iilities ar� aniicipated ta be very tx�inimal. PriVate iltl�ltl�5 include gas, electric, cable <br />televisi€�n, and telephc�ne. <br />� <br />