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�'[�� <br />� R I l '� <br />II��M�RANDUIWI <br />DATE; March �6, 2D12 <br />T{7: Han+�r�ble Mayar a�d C�ty Caunci�members <br />Pairick Klaers, Ci�y Administrator <br />F�Q�VI: Teray �VIa.urer, Public Warks I}irect�r .� <br />SUB�IECT: Water �e�er Readers � <br />gack��aund <br />The issue of repla�ing the wa�er r�eter reader system has �een under di�cussion far s�me <br />time. I ha�e personally had �his item before the City Council an Marc� �8, �0� I, July <br />11, 2011 and ]anuary �7, 2(11�. I iaa�e nat re�rQdueed all of the background infc�rmativr� <br />but will ha�e it a�ailable �t the Gou�cil meeting �f necessary. At the Tanuary 17, 2�1�2 <br />Work SessiQn the Courrcil �onsensus was te �a�e st�ff negatiate with Dakota SupP�Y <br />Graup (DSl.�}, t�e lacal represe�iative fr�r Sadger eq�ipmeni. <br />Sinc� Jan�ay'y staff has met se�eral tir�es with Mike McNabb from I75G at�d Phil Kvsak <br />the Axea Aecount Manager for Badger 1Vleter, Inc. [�riginally we were foc�sed an the <br />Badger �-ian MEISE product tha� a11Qw� bath fixec� ra�twvrl� reading a.r�d dri�e-hy <br />reading o� the water r�eters. Howe�er, staff` determined that e�en given the 55� free <br />meter heads v�ith radia rec�;�Vers the o�erall cost to the City would be substantiaily a�c,re <br />as compared tca Littie Cana�ia that campetitiveTy bid water rraeter re�d�r r�placernent in <br />mid �[311 and elected tv �.ward the bid ta DSG w�th the Badger Galaxy �'ixe�i networic <br />system. A� Fhi� and Mike went to Badge� Meter, Inc tca try �Q lessen the cast, ii <br />became �l�ar that the cost of prnducing the new U�an MEISE product was mueh hi�her <br />tt�an ihe �3adg�er Galaxy p�c�du�� that has beer� on ihe market f�r sorne ti�ne artd as such, <br />the prama�ianal package Sad�er iV�eter was afferir�� would r�ot be the most c�st-effecti�e <br />sotutian far the Gity. <br />When it hecaane elear staff would not recoinmend to the +Ci#.y Coun�il the C3rion MEISE <br />praduct, Mi�ce and Phil asked haw they ct�uld win the City's �us�n�ss. [�ur respon�e wa.s <br />to came �p with a packa�e that cic�s��y matches the Littl+e Canada competitfl�e bid prices. <br />Th�y ha�ve dc�ne }ust ti��t for the Bad�;er Galaxy fixed-network system that Little C�nada <br />recentiy install�d. Attached are the follawing iterns: <br />City Council Meeting <br />P:1EldminlCnunciilAgendas & Packet �nformatian120121�3-26-�2 Reg MtglPa�ket Informatianl3-26-12WaterMeter <br />Readers.doc <br />Page I of 3 <br />