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l. Quote from L?�G for the �nater�als and safhware n�cessary far the Badger Galaxy <br />sysierr�. <br />2. Quote Frorn Midwesi Tesiing LLC who was the i�stailatimn cvntractor �n the <br />Little Canada project. <br />3. A copy of the ariginal Little �ar��da bid recei�ed can J�iy 12, "�411 fram DSG fc�r <br />the Galaxy system. <br />As can �e seer� fro�n. the L�S(.i quc��+e, It�n A includes the r�ece�sary sa�ware, fizrr�ishing <br />and insi�ling two f�xed netwc�rl� call�+c�crrs �Badg�� wi11 da a site sur�ey �o dete�rriine <br />iacativns), and on-site instalTat�ar� nf sai�ware a�ad. tr�i�in,�. The only thing the City needs <br />ta supply is a corr�puter. This is exactly th� �ame item a�d priee as Bid I�e�n No. 1 frtam <br />the Little Ca►�ada prd�ect. The next itern inctuded in th�; DSG qe�ote is th� equi�ameng <br />need� to be installed an �ach water metsr. T�is is Item � in the qu�te �.nd incl�d�s the <br />�TR Reg�ster �nc� �he Galaxy Module. DSG has praVided a p�ce of $106.50 for this <br />equipment which as seen later in the mert�o compares V�ry fa�ara�ile ta ihe L.ittle Ca.nada <br />bid af last July. <br />The sec�nd quote attached is from Mi�west Tes�ing, LLC, wha insta�ied all the meter <br />read�rs in Liitie Canada. T"his is �ne �f the seavice� they are known for and they ha�e <br />prc�Vided sitr�il�r wo�% in many metrap�Tit�.n.n carnrnunpt�es including Shore�iew. They <br />grovided a quc�te af �4� per IIneter reader ins�alled. Far t�is �rice tY�ey wiii pravide tl�e <br />following �ervices. <br />. Z4 h�url7 day� a week f�x1ly staffed call center to set up custom�r appointments. <br />• Rec,t�mcr�enda�ivr� an mass maii�ng letier to be sent �o a11 eustomers (they <br />rect�mmea�d the letter be sent vn City letterhead to inerease the chances it is <br />actually read}. <br />r Fu11y trained installers �s needed for t�te �pp�iniments for installation. Ir�stalZers <br />generally wark frorta 9 am to S pm to a��ar�r�oda�te cus�Qrnters. Installers all wear <br />identifiable clathing, �a�e a�n fD ta� w�th a phota that can be check�d at City �-�all <br />bef'ore they are allawed entrance to a hame ar�d a11 insta�ler �ehicles are id�ntified. <br />Ins�allers wilZ �ot enter a ho�ae wit�hout sarr�eone over 18 y�ars old b�in� hame <br />and wili nat enter a ho�e if na one is hc�me. <br />• Tns�a�lers �r�ll work areas aF the City and knack an da�rs that ha�e nat r��ponded <br />to the xnass rr�ailing. If na ane answers, a doe�r har�ger will 3�e iei� asleing them #c� <br />call and schedule an appointm�n�. <br />Adding togethe� the USG priee fvr the e�uipment of $1 QG.S(l and ghe I'Vlidwest Tesiang <br />price fvr installation of $4I.Oti �;iv�s a tatal cost af $i47.50. This car� he campared to Bid <br />I�ern l�o. 5 from the Liftie Ca�ad�€ project of $�.�3.73. So the installed eos� per unii tc� <br />Arden Hills wa�ld be appr�xir�ately �� more than the hid �rcaject from last July. <br />City CQuncil Meeting <br />P:lAciminlCouncillAgendas & Packei Inforrr►atic�nl2�}i 2lfl3-26-12 Reg MtglPacket Infarmationl3-26-i 2W �terMeter <br />Readers.d�rc <br />Pxge 2 tsf 3 <br />