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C)ne side note, staff has asked Midwest Testing if they cauld pro�ide an apinion c�f the <br />typ�s of water meter our cammerciallindustrial c�.stomers have relati�e to the type af <br />water use e�c� user has in an effort tcr fi�d any water l�ss due to the z-�eier's inability ta <br />r�easure law �lows. This also is an e�pertise o� Midwesi Testing. T�ey indicated they <br />wa�ld be able �a dc� this ar�c� �ro�ide a written repc�rt of the�r findir€gs. <br />From an o�erall cast perspective �here �re approxim��ely 2,5{1[} meters ir� the �i�y's <br />system. At $147.5� per meter this ��ial ceast wfli�ld be abQut $368,75[�. Te� this arraaut�t <br />the cost of $28,05[� needs tc� be adc�ed f4r the software, iwv colle�t�rs and training fo� a <br />tQ�a1 prvject cost af $395,SOa. T�e c�rrent CIP has a tc�tal of $405,(?f30 prograr�med over <br />201�-2{}14 �a copy of the +CIP sheet is a�tached}. This CIP item anticip�ted only <br />equipment purchase with City Pu�lie VV�rks staff doang the actual instaPlation ir� each <br />home. <br />Sue i�erson, Director af Finance a�d Adrninistra�ive Ser�ices, has be�n cansuited a��i she <br />cQnfirmed that there are sufficier�t r�ser►res in the Water Utility Fu�ci ta purs�e this <br />�rojact in 2�12. Ii should alsfl be na�eci that Sue and the billing staff are in fa��r af ihis <br />t�pe af �echn�lflgy because e�f tfi� ease of l�iliing and the amaunt of infoxmation that it <br />provides far dea.ling wit.h customer questions. <br />Fram a sched�le standpc+int, if Councit wc�uld gi�e auth��iza�i+a� to �roceed tanig��.t it <br />w�uld talce about gQ days to have enaugh equipment available and '�a�ve the two <br />ca�l�ctars in p�lace. Therefcrre, �he �nass rnailing far individual installativns wc�uld be sent <br />about duly l st. A11 of the instalis shvuld be �omplete within 5�4 days, so the tl�ird quart�r <br />water readings could be done from the new system. <br />Cctuncil Action RequestEd <br />City Cvuncil is r�ques�ed to autho�ize of Badger Galaxy w�ter meter r��der <br />equipment fram DSCi based on the attac�ed qu�te da��d Felnruary �9, 2012 and ta <br />aufho�ze ihe hiring of Midwes� `i'esii�rg LY�C to instail the indi�idual water meter re�ders <br />at a. p�ice of $41 per 2nstallaii�an. The iotal cost of the pr�ject including eqe�i�ment and <br />insta.11ation wvuld i�e app�-crximate�y $��?O,OfiQ. <br />Ci�.y CounGil Meeting <br />P:4AdminlCouncillAgendas & Packet infarmationl2{}1i103-26-12 �eg MtglPaeket fnfarmatian�3-26-12Wa�terMeter <br />It��� <br />Pa�e 3 of 3 <br />